
Very good point. So many period myths abound. Some men know so little about basic biology that I am amazed that they are able to function and remain breathing from one day to the next. So every joke about Hillary being a bad president because period. Umm, not for a good decade or more, yo.

Short answer: NO.

I wish I were surprised that it’s women and POC who get the worst of this idiotic “perform happiness for us every second that you’re on camera” BS.

Oh please, as if most of the people who are getting off shitting all over her are aware of any supposed shit her mother supposedly stirred. The grand majority of this hate is just the Internet’s favorite past time, tearing down and shitting all over a Black woman.

Jen Hatmaker wrote this last night on Facebook:

I did feel bad for Laurie, though. I thought she should’ve gotten the opportunity to go for the AA considering she’s beaten Gabby at every competition this season. But I am a huge Aly fan and was THRILLED that she finally got her redemption.

THIS! Why the fuck is it newsworthy what some couch potato in Bumfuck, Ohio thinks about Gabby Douglas’s hair? Gabby & the world at large wouldn’t even see those negative comments if blogs (including Jezebel!) didn’t give them greater exposure.

God fobid a woman do amazing things without also smiling constantly, having exactly the feelings about the experience that everyone expects her to, and also constantly expressing her gratitude for the opportunity [that she created for herself by working harder than any of her critics have worked at anything].

So Phelps hiding in the corner pre-race becomes a funny meme and she gets Internet hate. Really guys, can’t we do any fucking better?

Having a resting bitch face of my own, I know how easily people can misconstrue facial expressions and/or body language. She may or may not get along with her teammates either but we don’t/can’t know what’s in her heart. People will look at a still photo or a three second clip and leap to judgment. That’s shitty but

They’re having a go at Louis Smith (also black) for not congratulating Max Whitlock (white) for beating him. Louis Smith was fucking gutted to have lost, and he showed it. But why do they assume that means he didn’t congratulate Whitlock? It’s as if people think that because the camera didn’t catch it, or it didn’t

Gabby, you are welcome to join the RBF Society. We have been told to smile, relax, and calm down non-stop since the 70s. If you are tired of having your facial expression policed, apply for membership today!

I saw other athletes stand like Gabby. No one gave them a hard time. I bet it’s cause she’s the little uppity black girl who’s stealing the place of our special snowflakes. The whole first week, before track and field, I think there were only a few black athletes. 2 or 3 gymnasts (men too?), two tennis players, 1 or 2

The only people who have a right to question how she behaves at the Olympics, in my opinion, are other athletes. If you can't relate to what she's going through, physically and psychologically, shut your mouth and stop pretending like you have any insight or right to put yourself on their level. This is an incredibly

I would also include Rebecca Andrade’s very bold purple hued lip color choice in the list of great makeup choices these games (this pic isn’t great but it was the best I could find):

After seeing the way Americans tore into Gabby and also Ashton Eaton for not patriotic enough i actually do understand how Trump has got this far. Also many on left are not even subtle in hiding their racism.

I feel for the lady but her public image and legacy has suffered mostly due to circumstances beyond her control (she simply wasn’t as good as other gymnasts and Biles’ superstardom) and some that she could have controlled (she was uncomfortable with her teammates and it showed). I would hope that she can let go of

Crazy to think an athlete could train their whole lives for an outcome, have it not come to fruition, and then have disappointment override the demands of appearance.

lol i’ve hated her makeup choices- especially during team finals. simone and aliyana from russia have had the best makeup so far!

I hate people