What she and Phelps do are different but equally impressive IMO. Phelps because he swims so many different events so well, and Ledecky because she wins everything from the 200 to the 1500. That’s like Usain Bolt also winning the mile. Incredible.
What she and Phelps do are different but equally impressive IMO. Phelps because he swims so many different events so well, and Ledecky because she wins everything from the 200 to the 1500. That’s like Usain Bolt also winning the mile. Incredible.
Sjostrom had a great race! If I recall correctly, she’s more of a sprinter, so she should have a better shot in the 100 and the 50.
Good for her! It’s not my thing, but I really dislike the attitude that adults aren’t allowed to make an announcement about anything that is an important event to them if it’s not marriage or baby related or you are bragging, and it’s unseemly.
Fun fact, that beach is in front of my old apartment. Hahah. WTG Long Beach!
How can you tell the difference? I swear my Jack has the cat version of resting bitch face. I love him none the less but he always looks pissed.
At my work she’d start being trained for higher positions right away due to creativity and enthusiasm. But, I work with kids so...
Not gonna lie...when we were interviewing potential tenants for our rental I snuck in a few of my own questions...like ‘How do you feel about the phrase ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ and ‘how do you feel about chalkboards?’ The tenants we have moving in next month said ‘What, those tacky things people put on their walls’ and I…
Really? I hire people and I'd be tickled that someone was this happy to come work for us. I'd show it to everybody in the building!
Lol, every time I get depressed about being unemployed, I remember how much I hated my last job. :)
Economy hah! We’re all just one loudmouthed, overgrown rotten nectarine in a bad wig away from nuclear armageddon.
I gathered from the post that she was unemployed for 7+ months - of course she should be thrilled! What, exactly, would you have found questionable? I mean, it's not like she did anything to embarrass the firm or whatnot.
i know they hired her for health administration, but my god they should give her a raise and make her the new head of PR for whatever org or hospital she works for, she would be AMAZING!
This is GREAT. I love this.
That seems...weird? You don’t want your employees to be happy they work for your company? I guess I’m not sure what’s objectionable in her photos.
I got two offers in the same day last week (both were in the works for a while) and accepted one. I wish I’d done this! Job offers > engagement, babies, literally anything
Well, not all professions can be completely humorless and boring.
I really hope they appreciate her creativity and give her a chance to use it.
The one with the shoes killed me. This is 100% delightful. I want to hang out with the wonderful freaks. :)