
Baby face solidarity. I’m 24 this year, my youngest sisters manager at McDonalds asked her when I would be old enough to work there to when I picked her up one night. You have to be 14 and nine months to work in my state. They thought I was younger than 14 and nine months. I will never get over it. My partner has

One morning I was volunteering at my daughter’s school for picture day. I had my hair in a bun, no makeup, and a baggy “Jedi Academy” sweatshirt on. A teacher asked me whose class I was in.

It’s odd to see so many replies—-on Jezebel of all places—-questioning the mother’s right to breastfeed wherever she damn well pleases.

Who wants to think about breasts when bra shopping?

lots of people will get crap for NOT doing this....this is what America has come to expect. you need to feed your baby, woman? cover it with a blanket first to not offend my Y chromosome’s delicate sensibilities.

/drops ridiculous amount of pearls

Down the hall, take the elevator, then around the corner

It’s like her heart will go on and on...

It’s technically a motorcycle, which is why it can be sold for so little. No pesky safety requirements like airbags, side-impact beams, crumple zones, bumpers, etc. They can also do away with lots of emissions requirements since motorcycles have less of that, too.

Ooh, I want to be Kate Winslet’s vagina.

A lot of these games, I think, are labors of love from fans who want to further invest in a universe they enjoy. Another take is that this is them practicing their game building skills, for further careers.

I follow men’s water polo obsessively. That being said, I barely notice the scores. The dudes who do water polo are HOT. Yes, I know, I’m perving. But so are a bunch of others, so I feel no shame.

My husband still makes that face...

I can understand the amount of scrutiny that you’re under.... since... you know... wayward trains, track issues, or obstructions can result in a cataclysmic amount of damage.

Meh. I don’t know if water polo counts as “strange.” My thing with Olympic sports: If you can letter in it in high school, it isn’t that weird of an event.

To be fair, I think $6200 is also Tonga’s GNP.

That is someone that’ll be getting laid every night for the rest of his life, and he knows it.

I think it would be better for my ego if we didn’t stand right next to each other.

I’m 20 so I have to make sure I force something to be relatable to my childhood at least every 3 weeks