
“And I will continue to boycott the people that gave him that money and shame the morons that donated money to his Kickstarter”

What are you going to trust, your own eyes or your own eyes reading a digital readout of a scan of a QR code?

Dammit, Ashes! What the hell?!?

You legit started a discussion about who is the real dad and who is the step dad of these two. hahahaha! I love it!! So here for this on a Friday morning at work.

I was about to post a similar response with a “As long as Mai’s breasts bounce, it has all the charm I need” statement, but you beat me to it.

I mean what did he expect would happen if he acted like a spoiled brat? He may have been good at his work but not so good being a mature adult.

Or blaming sex for rape, its an issue of consent.

At least Cheetos taste good. He only has the color and none of the flavor!

I would never want to be married to Bill Clinton, but yes, I think Donald Trump is the worse husband of the two. Both men are unfaithful, indiscreet, and have a history of treating women outside their circle of protected beloved ones poorly.

Can’t speak for Jujy but I certainly do. Bill is charming, intelligent, a great conversationalist, funny and appreciative of humor in others, loyal though not faithful (they are different things), well informed, fascinated by other people, and not least, always looks nicely groomed and as if he probably smells good.

Come on cheeks! Stay together!

And that’s how race walking was born..

I have the same gait when I have to poop.

Pushing all those bobsleds really builds up the quads.

I wouldn’t call this a true peak though. More of a junior high.

This is the next generation of great Kinja.

Still the second least embarrassing Degrassi reference for Candians

They look like two friends going for a run, having a funny conversation along the way, while everyone else is trying to catch up.

Donald Trump: The First Millennial

She wasn’t “selected over qualifying lifters” she qualified under the very clear and predictable algorithm that decides who goes to the Olympics. And the algorithm was clearly accurate, since she medaled, and Maddie Rogers(or however you spell her name) would have gotten destroyed. Sorry the team is selected based on