
I’ve been throug a lot of self-imposed bullshit, but, frankly, I am happier and better than I ever was!

I am a welder and ship fitter. Its the best job I ever had!

Yes. I do, NARC.

To be fair, you really are that good at Power Point.

It must suck being a woman. Having my boner restricted by jeans hurts.

Why are you body shaming?

Bathroom breaks.

As a grown man, yes. I can be at work, filling up a joint, and if I sense it going extremely well, I inadvertently pop a boner. I don’t mean to, I’m just happy to be alive. Alive and good at my job. My penis agrees.

It disgusts me that people willingly, selfishly take chances like these just to please themselves and make a buck. I am not a dog fan, but I’ll gladly donate.

I used to date a girl who lost her virginity at twelve with a guy who was 23. She told me she pursued him, that it was her idea, and that every time they had sex it was of her own volition. She never felt violated or assaulted then or now (she’s 22). To her it was a positive experience, and to this day they are still

That is one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen. Breeding should be outlawed.

Although I don’t know why she kinda shames the 24% of women being “embarrassed” about porn searching....

That squirt!

Because he has money and is considering to pay to see it. In that regard, heck, in any regard his opinion is just as valid as your’s.

The Joker can be a million things. Thats what makes him so gooo!

My new lead asked me if I am seeing anyone. Then he asked me if she is white. When I said yes, he responded with a “good” and moved on, never missing a beat. He’s from Florida.

If I ran a business, I’d sell to blacks, Asians, LGBT, Muslims, Satanists, Christians, Nazis, etc. Its money, and I don’t judge people on their own personal activities.

I’m personally of the idea that money talks and a person is always of their own accord. If I owned a bakery, you bet your bottom that I would sell to Christians, the LGBT, neo-Nazis, Blacks, Asians, etc. I like money.

And they rightly should be.

While I do think this is a pretty exorbitant fine (it really should be, like $10K at most), that is royally fucked up. Fuck these assholes with no vaseline.