
Bernie Sanders!

What about Bernie Sanders?

While she is in a position to see the racism of her institution, it is often a mystery to people when they meet long lost friends who have royally screwed up, and they themselves have done so well. I know I surprised a lot people when I fucked up.


and the haaannnddd.....

Aaaahhhhhh! I too remember those salad days of youth....*sigh*

That’s one of the most asinine comments I have ever read. People can be jerks. So what? Its their choice. You’re just being a selfish shit.

There is a chain of command. Its something that we adhere to because we understand that it is our job to do so. There still can be a pecking order amongst the workers, but I have yet to see it. Frankly, there has never been a time where we aren’t giving tips, helping out, listening to tips, etc. We just want to get it

P.S. Solondz-verse fandom drama is my kind of drama!

That is inriguing! Maybe he just gave up after begging and being told to get away. It would be nice if she did play a different character, particularly if she has changed her mind about it all.

Alaska sure does have a lot of chlamydia!

Probably! And I’m OK with that!

Oh, c’mon! Solondz would never do anything that shallow. The kind of films he makes don’t make enough money or get enough funding to ever pander to that. She said no!

Solondz wanted her for Palindromes, but she said nope. Hence the funeral. Todd Solondz is probably the ONLY director to never ever neverevernererev play the “attractive” card. Its just not his style. Or him.


I’m 5’6”. Most women I have dated have been around my height or shorter because I’ve been ingrained by society, nature, other women, etc. that women don’t care for guys shorter than them because they want to feel “protected” and “safe”. I LOVE taller women, and only now getting out of that mindset. The lady I’m seeing

They students were also at an age where they are developing and changing their opinion of who they want to be.

Most millenials I know are that way.

So you will never compliment a potential mate? I guess you don’t care for compliments on your appearance. Everyone enjoys hearing something like that every now and then.

Eh. I work in a “manly” trade, and there isn’t any pecking order where ever I have worked. We just want to get the job done.