Lumpy44, Proprietor Of Fine Gif

My ol’ Mazda 3. Man, I had a ton of sex back there. Great car.

In one sentence, you have invented time travel. That was the smell of the summer I spent riding the back of a garbage truck as student help for a garbage man at the UW Madison campus. The intervening 26 years may as well not have happened. BRB.  Hurling my guts out.

You get a star for sweet and sour pork diapers

There is a certain sad poetry in the idea that the motorcycle brand that embodies all of America’s worst tendencies is poised to be stabbed in the back by the president that also embodies all of America’s worst tendencies.

In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

This is incredibly variable across the country. It depends heavily on where you live. Yes, there are some real shitheaps around. Things like winters will do that to cars - especially if they aren’t well cared for.

No, not too wordy - this is a nice counterbalance to all of the comments from retired Tories on the CBC website. Baleful entitlement personified.

The Leafs are good, the Raptors are good, the Argos are defending almost seems like things here are too good to be true and nothing can...

Hey since y’all like tweets so much, here’s one you should add to your story:

Yeah. Not true. They’ve had an auto industry as long as we have, essentially. Fuck off with this.

1. LeMons 24 hours of Rallycross?

*looks at Steven Segal memes*

3 cheers for McMike!

Alternate headline: “Viral Meme Created by Oppositelock Author Becomes Mural at F1 Race”

I’m surprised he didn’t include the sound of healthcare in the video. That wouldn’t have cost him anything.

A fifteen-piece orchestra
is playing Daft Punk
at my house
my house

They’d be smiling regardless. BRG is already a homage to the green Irish landscape.