I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.
Whats that sound? The world's tiniest violin, you say? Interesting. Interesting.
Tuna is expensive. The police should show more appreciation for the support.
I’d rather lick door handles at the airport, to be honest.
I hadn’t even heard of the 1619 Project until Featless(a typo, and it stays) Leader started frothing at the mouth about it. So, of course I had to go and give them clicks. I’m sure this will backfire on him as much as everything else does. Take that you rancid blob of sentient spray tan!
I think that people tend to be either Mulders or Scullys when it comes to belief. Mulders have the kind of mindset that allows them to believe in some kind of deity while Scullys* are all about the proof. I’m atheist because I’m a Scully and even though I tried to believe, I can’t because that’s not how my mind works.…
“On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot. ‘Tis a silly place.”
Carry on, my wayward nuns. There'll be peace when you are done.
I've stared at this Shaq-Cat gif for five minutes now. It's the most mesmerizing thing I've seen in a while...
Thank Cod for mutts.
where did Washington I. Explorer finish? Or did he crash out the gate?
Motion of the ocean > size of the waves = Tide goes in tide goes out. You can't explain that. BOOM! #oreillyied
I've been waiting for months for a legitimate excuse to post this gif.
The Obama administration clearly had second thoughts about not giving into the will of the people. Petitions do matter, see?
We won that hockey game fair and square. Bieber is yours America!
YOU get M&Ms, and YOU get M&Ms, and YOU get M&Ms! EVERYONE GETS M&Ms!!!
This looks like a particularly disturbing coat hanger.