
She is very charming and likeable, in a way that makes her unlikeable for some. I personally don’t have strong feelings about her (except that I feel bad that she saddled herself with Ben Affleck - we can’t help who we fall in love with), but I do think she has beefed up her “nice mom” messaging to the point where it f

I have a lot of complex and probably conflicting thoughts on this, so I’m going to try to summarize them below. (Also, EW, I just said I have a lot of complex feelings about a Youtube scandal. Lord. . .) Let me just lead with: I am fine with this decision and think it is a net good. That said . . .

I’m an ADA Rafael Barba (Raúl Esparza) gal myself...

Forget A-listers. I know who should host this.

Danny and Jon both run to the Throne and try to sit on it at the same time.  The both fall off and end up sitting the floor.  Danny smiles, says “Oh, you...”, Jon shrugs and smiles, then the theme from Growing Pains plays.  Fin.

I know nothing about this show, I am however flummoxed that Gladys is a part of it. I guess I thought the premise was like Dancing with the stars, it was non professionals trying to be good at something.

I feel like it’s unnecessary to go after Scherzinger for leaving the PCD. From my brief Wikipedia search, it appears that she was one of the last PCDs to leave the group, and even if she was the first, wouldn’t you leave that shitshow?  I know I would.

I think it’s cool to be friends with your exes.  Sometimes it doesn’t work out for non-nefarious reasons and you can still like a person even if you aren’t in love with them. 

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

Isn’t Ivanka his beard?

Damn, David Muir. That is a good 44. 

“‘Meghan got her attitude from her mother. Doria always told Meghan, ‘If they’re not doing anything for you, why should you do anything for them?’”

I wonder if he recognizes the irony of him not wanting his space encroached on.

Oh, totally. But I want her to SAY THE WORDS.

THANK YOU omg I don't get the Cumberbatch shit at ALL

Cool, but whatever happened to the “Saturday” song Gambino performed on SNL, huh? It was overshadowed by “This is America”, but I haven’t forgotten. That would’ve been MY song of the summer, anyway. No need to include the lyrics “summer” or “summertime”. It would’ve been so easy.

Who gives a rat’s fart about the identity of Kylie’s baby daddy? I mean, adorable baby, but if she says it’s was sired by Travis Scott—fine.

We can’t.

wait ... with that many chins how isn’t this guy Chinese?