Your data has been debunked and you’ve made yourself look like a completely bigoted fool. Kindly fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.
Your data has been debunked and you’ve made yourself look like a completely bigoted fool. Kindly fuck off, and take your bullshit with you.
*hugs if you want them* That’s terrible. I’m sorry.
Wow. You’re good. *applause*
That gif is glorious. Where did you get it?
MINE. <3
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you found the support you needed. Hugs if you want them.
I've never looked at the story that way, thank you for your insight!
What? I'm from the UK too, in my neck of the woods both SE Asian and South Asian people are described as Asian. "Orientals" is a term avoided like the plague! Maybe this is a regional thing?
How about having two and then your partner buggering off? Would that qualify?
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Thank you for your responses to all that, you are my new hero :)
Sorry, but the gif is from The Simpsons. Homer is jumping over the border to the American Embassy in Australia.
What sources have you been using, the UKIP website?
So that's what he looks like! Thank you
Sorry, I don't know much about celebrities, who is this? :)
I agree! Besides, sensitive, shy thinkers are like magnets for some of us. It's just when "self-pity" and "bad hygiene" are added to the mix that problems occur. Example: Kyoya from Ouron High School. Quiet, reserved, intelligent, confident and sexy as hell. If only he were real... *daydreams*
Are you having a laugh. In a world where it is believed by many that women lying about rapeis rampant, but when in actual fact only 8-11% do, you believe that it is "so easy to do these days". For your information, over the last three years (in the UK, mind) the Crime Survey has estimated that around 60,000-90,000…