
She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...

I like how work that's well within the description of "housewife" becomes that of a "servant" when it's a man doing it. Also, I kind of want a "servant" type husband. Life would be so much easier.

that gif is generally how i feel when jenny mccarthy talks

Poor guy looks like he's suffering from a severe case of constipation.

"Anne Hathaway's husband Adam Shulman is her "gopher": "He acts more like a servant than like her husband. He gets up early to iron her clothes and lays out her outfits with suggested accessories."

I wouldn't want that fin up my ass.

I feel for all these fish! "Man, getting snuggled by HBC is so great! You know what would make it even greater? BEING ALIVE RIGHT NOW."

That looks really uncomfortably pokey.

It reminds me of a story a make-up artist friend of mine once told me (a friend I met through Jezebel, in fact!) about some work she'd done early in her career on a photo shoot for a rather outré London-based S&M magazine. The concept, as the art director had envisaged it, was simple: a guy, naked, wearing a gimp

That fish is definitely dead. Very dead. I don't really understand why you'd pose with a dead fish that someone caught, sold, bought, etc. to make a point about overfishing. What a waste of fish! You can't even eat that after it's been sitting on a naked woman under Klieg lights for hours. Just stupid.

That song was good, but my inner goddess won't admit it. My inner goddess staunchly refuses to like anything associated with this movie. She's re-reading the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy and wondering when that will get made into movies.

Oh, it didn't take long.

I mean, I'd like to hear her side.

A. The Real World is still on television

Maybe they just think it'll be over then, like one godawful day in the month of feburary to mourn both of them, as opposed to letting it be drawn out. Maybe they need to pick a day to let her go and the only way they can emotionally justify picking a day to let a 21 year old officially pass away is to link the days,

Yes. This poor girl never got a chance to escape her mom's shadow. I mean, I'm sure she was very loved, but ... eegggghhh.

His tattoos are so mesmerizing, the way his body moves.

Yowzas. Take me to church indeeeed. I'd worship him good, if you know what I'm saying.

Yes. That does actually make you a terrible person. I have bizarre curly hair and spent the first 25 years of my life trying to find someone to cut it in such a way that I don't look like a poodle on crack. I finally found that person and have spent the next 20 years (why yes, I AM fucking old, thank you very much)

Yes. They fucking hate you and they talk shit about you.