
Ladies: don't fuck bad tippers! If you're on a date, try to see what your date left or ask your waiter on the way out. I believe we can breed them out of existence.

I have never waited tables in my life, which is good, because a lot of my friends have, and I don't have the BS tolerance for it. Seriously: think of how stupid and rude and self-absorbed and entitled the average person is, and then remember that literally HALF of your customers will be worse than that.

Australians are the worst/best to wait on. They NEVER tip but they're always sooooo cool and nice, and never mind waiting for anything. But I feel like if you come to this country and you know that we have a tipping culture, you should fucking tip.

I don't go in public with people who don't tip/tip shitty. OR, if it is a shitty family member that decides to do that, i make up the difference.

I've come to realize my by is very impatient when it comes to service. Annoys me so much. I've called him out on it a few times and feel bad for our servers. Especially as someone that has patience and is a good tipper.

my boyfriend is a bad tipper, and in some (drunk) instances he hasn't tipped at all. I called him out on it and now he asks how much he should tip. I may round the tip up to 25%...

The craziest thing I have ever seen was when I was bartending at a strip club. Guy comes in and he's weird. Tries to hit on every person lacking a y chromosome including myself. Anyway, he starts harassing one of the dancers. She is a quiet, sweet woman that just so happens to be wearing thigh high boots that night.

I'm a 20% tipper. You'd have to stab me in the face to get that knocked down.

I handled her many moons ago. She doesn't talk to me on account of I beat her ass with a purse.

As someone who worked a lot of crap retail and food service jobs and never got the chance for sweet vengeance. . . I SALUTE YOU!

Also, I had the BEST server this weekend. He was a high schooler and he freaking... He was just so excited about everything on the menu, and his job, and chocolate sauce. I don't even know. I'm gonna go on yelp and write lovely haikus about him.

Who leaves a cheap tip on a date? I'm in a long term relationship now, but that's an instant dealbreaker. I don't date cheap assholes who want to steal from waiters...

writing in his ruling that homosexuality is "an inherent evil" and criminal at that, "destructive to a basic building block of society _ the family."

Poor Paul. You can't hear his vocals *at all*.

thinking the same thing!!! The voice, the hair, the guitar, & those legs!!!! Yes please!!

Ungrayed because I share your Irish+guitar enthusiasm.

God, I'm such a stereotype. I would bang the bejeezus out of Hozier. Irish + guitar = YAASSSSSS

Old people fucking rock. Get used to it.

I have massive problems with Iggy's racist ass and her faux accent but this is a completely shitty thing to do to anyone. That's private information that shouldn't be shared. Not funny

Fucking despicable.