
No, sometimes it's just feeling bad at the wrong time. An opportunity. Not wanting to face the reality of their life.

If there is a hell, I hope her parents burn in it. Truly sad.

Well no, but I also can't imagine taking my child to a "Christian therapist" to try and change the very real way they perceive themselves. That poor girl. She was clearly an extremely thoughtful and beautiful person.

This is beyond heartbreaking. She didn't have to feel so hopeless. She didn't have to feel so unloved. But when your parents told her they loved the boy and not the girl, they told her they did not love her.

"So, before you echo "amen" in your home and place of worship. Think, think and remember a child is listening."

They obviously didn't take the note too seriously if they can't even get it right after her death.

if God doesn't make mistakes than homie has a fucked up sense of humor.

It's not malicious though, it's brainwashing. They are Christian, and the Christian doctrine favors appearances of conformity more than the lives of folks who are non-gender-normative. This is going to take a long time to sink in for them, that they shamed her to death over their beliefs.

I hope her parents burn in whatever Hell they believe in.

I read this story on my phone at midnight last night, lying in bed. I felt so desperately sad, I just laid there for two hours trying to sleep, but thinking about my two little daughters. Christ. I can't fathom a situation in which one of them came to me with something like this and my response would be anything other

Oh my God, fuck her parents. Fuck them with sharp objects. That poor kid.

As a mother, this breaks my heart. I cannot ever imagine turning my back on my child.

This whole situation is heartbreaking, but is made even more so by Leelah's mother's inability to accept her gender in death, and worse still by the fact that she makes it seem as if this tragedy was accidental. NO LADY, you killed your daughter. If you had accepted her for who she was, she would still be here.

Putting this out here:

This is fucking heartbreaking. I can only hope that somewhere, someone reads her note and takes it to heart. Whether it's their own children, or someone they know, or maybe they just learn to be nicer people in general. That poor girl.

"My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck."

Just love your kids.

Judging by the Tumblr, she was a fan of Sailor Moon, feminism, and stockings with cats on them

Its always a good time to attack. Thats the American Way! So fuck off foreign guy!

This is soooo toootally evil...if your last name is Duggar.