
If her living will dictates that she be taken off life support, or if her next of kin dictates that in the absence of a living will, then she should be taken off life support regardless of whether she's pregnant. If you believe anything other than that, then you are not pro-choice by any stretch of the imagination.

The family wanted to take her off life support. It's heartless that the government interfered with that. You claim to be pro choice, but it seems like every time there's an article about the subject of abortion, you're more sympathetic to the anti choice side.

Keeping someone on life support isn't like "keeping them alive". The brain has already died and there are extreme side effects to that.

Women are people, not incubators. I'm really glad you don't make the laws.

The woman let her family know that if a situation such as this one arose, she would not want to be kept on life support. Her partner and parents wanted to take her off life support. Her brain was rotting, her body had a number of infections and open wounds that could not heal. Her body was swelling up and she was

That's the fundamental flaw in right-to-lifer philosophy. They don't think ahead or care about what happens after the baby is born. They'll fanatically take away a woman's (or in this case, a family's) right to choose, but they won't stick around to make sure the kid is properly cared for or to answer the tough

This is why the separation of church and state is so important. "Grotesque" is an understatement. This is a deteriorating corpse of a woman who's loved one's were being needlessly tortured. The doctors and the family all want what is natural and right, and the state is intervening on behalf of a clump of cells with no

They also argued that as a mother—the woman had two young children—that's what she would have wanted.


Nonetheless, their decision added that the rights of a living child would supersede those of a deceased mother and the wishes of her loved ones.

i'm typing this in one hand b/c i have yet to remove my other hand from my penis having read the penis entries recoiling in fear and relexively grabbing my penis to prevent anything from getting lodged in my urethra

It's not healthy to bring an infant under 3 months on a plane. The air pressure alone is difficult. let alone the recycles air which could be contaminated with viruses of other passengers on an infants immune system is dangerous. Like it or lump it, he chose to take this movie, with an infant. he needs to make the

It's not just you. I love eating Wendy.

Now playing

Mark, I'ma let you finish but this is the best Dad dance of all time.

At our yearly dance recital, we used to do a Daddy Daughter number at the end of dress rehearsal. And if the Dad's were on board, we did it the last night of the show. Just the corps dancers/TAs with their Dads. My Dad, with out fail or rhythm, danced for 5 years straight including a number which spliced YMCA with

Anyway, yeah, Iggy's ignorant as fuck and a problematic figure in our current pop culture, but just because she Azalea has leeched her style and persona off black culture does not give anyone the right to release any part of her sex tape.

"Brought down," by a sex tape that shames women for having sexuality, which eventually victimizes her for the wrong reasons. Seriously? I dislike her, but this is not something to wish on her.

if you want to criticize anyone for racism, it's actually possible without slut shaming.

But having a sex tape is obviously way worse than being a rapist if you're a woman.