
Yes. Also, jeez always tip people who work with your food or hair. Cut your own hair if you don't want to tip or go to a beauty school where someone can practice on you.

My friends & I went to our local place & all the waiters were new ALL OF THEM. Our waiter fucked up our order, had us repeat our order like 3 times each, my mango margarita was so gross I couldn't drink it (I asked for sugar NOT salt), he dropped a dish . . . . it was really bad service. He was super nice & we all

Bless you for schooling him though. Some might let it slide.

Cyberhugs. Also a vow to not text & drive. I'm so sorry for your loss :(

I commented the other day that if I was a single man I'd attend the 50 Shades of Grey midnight showing & snatch those ladies right afterwards when they're all excited & dreamy-like. Maybe wear a grey tie????? Dual purpose bc it's a tie BUT you can tie . . . I dunno. It would work on some women. Not me, but some

Chris Evans can date me. I volunteer for this job. Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so fine when in costume & all dirty.

I just followed you so I don't miss this important update.

I love you & want to be your real-life friend. No lie, why can't more people be upfront about what they want & expect? I don't play games bc I'm busy & tired & it's a waste of my fucking time.

I'm OK with this. I know I should be all NO that was wrong & she should be punished but I'd be her friend & I want to say fuck him & fuck anyone who releases naked pictures/videos of women or men without their consent.

I just found Paula's Choice & use pur mineral makeup but I'll look into Meow's cosmetics. Sadly, I too have stopped using primer. I love how it makes my face feel, love how my makeup looks BUT the breakout aren't worth it. Thanks!!!!

I always tip 20% no matter what (if I have kids then u get more). My dad was a waiter & he ALWAYS tips like 40%. Initially when staff see us we gets looks (kids + minority) BUT after eating once we're remembered & get treated very well. Just be nice to wait staff. It's not that hard. Be nice bc they usually get

OK. I have to disagree. She just seems like a bland potato to me. Something that sorta sits there but I can make it tasty with the right topping. I always say that I too could be as pretty as she is if I had a personal trainer/stylist/help. Now, if she was Kate Beckinsale there is no amount of pretty I could do

I understand. I don't like them either. Actually, I don't like them as individuals either so that's like 75% the problem for me.

I work in an adult store. The number of women who come in & refuse to buy themselves a nice vibrator because "it's all about him" has ceased to shock me. It's really sad. Sex is great, can feel wonderful, & bring couples closer but so many women still think it's dirty or wrong or not for them. They'll buy nasty

Coconu makes an organic coconut based oil & water based lube. It's changed my life. Paraben-free, fragrance-free, glycerin-free, alcohol-free, . . . . AMAZING product. The guy I'm kinda/sorta seeing doesn't complain about the texture, residue, smell, or taste so that's like a 2nd endorsement.

really? Tell me more about what you use cause I just started getting cystic acne. It hurts, looks ugly, takes forever to heal. Any product/line recommendations????

damn you. I love mineral makeup :( It keeps my face looking not-death-like AND doean't cause me to break out.

I hope karma gets that interviewing investigator good. Asshole.

Damn right your strong. You sound like an amazing woman. Keep that shit up.

My mother carries those little creepy babies on her 24-7 & has tried to give them to my daughter. She's hardcore religious (church 5-7 days a week). We don't talk about our political differences. I have an amazon smile account that donates to Planned Parenthood. She uses my account to buy things . . . . sometimes