
Fudge those amazing yoga people with their perfect down-ward dogs, head stands, up-ward dogs. . . They're all amazing despite those distractions.

Tom Hiddleston is the ONLY man I'd ever fight someone for. That man is sex on legs. All that charming tea-drinking sex appeal. And did you see his bucket challenge? That white t-shirt showed those perfect abs . . . . . I'll be in my bunk.

People who buy things that because the item is the cheapest are the worst to shop with. If you buy something pricier or higher quality they judge you hard core :( No fun. Sorry that happened with your dress.

OMG. If I ever have a wedding you will be my bride & wedding aspiration.

I lived in Arkansas for several years. Voting time was very very frustrating.

I went on 2 dates with a dude & on both he said, "my ex used to not eat her dinner just so she could save room for desert" Strangely, I was more concerned that he couldn't say her name & always referred to her as my ex. Sorta the same thing?

Thank you. I can't shower daily or my skin gets painful. I also started using a natural deodorant & after a transition period I literally need to apply it once every two or three days bc I stopped sweating (I'm lazy so no gym or anything). I swear swear swear that I'm not smelly but my skin cannot take the hard

So sad that I agree 100% with everything you wrote. She sounds seriously unhinged & a fanatic. I feel for women in Texas but then again they did elect her. Do people not realize what happens when you deny women basic healthcare rights???????

RYAN DRILLER. I'd drill him (lol, I had too). No lie though he is gorgeous beyond all belief.

I agree with you.

But, you should type if when you have more time. We all need to hear more of this tale.

You know. I have 2 small kids. Kids can be annoying to eat out with with BUT I've never had bad service with them. I'm kinda/sorata seeing a dude and every time I've eaten out with him (EVERY TIME) the service sucks ass. I think the waiters are all trying to tell me something. I should listen. He's my old man :(

Scene: Small Arkansas town

Thanks back :) He's unhappy now & I'm pretty content with my life. Karma is a funny thing sometimes. You seem like a nice person so best of luck to you. Family & friends can make a person's world. I'll probably get a cat soon lol

Your story makes me really sad. It's almost like your evil ex won. There are tons of good people out there who aren't shitty. Don't let a horrible horrible person keep you from love

hmmm. I never watched that BUT I did watch Basket Case. . . I'll watch Battlefield Earth & revise if needed.

This will be the most god-awful movie ever. It will be glorious in how bad it is & sadly become a cult classic.

What did I just subject my ears to????????????

That's a thing of beauty

bahahaha. I totally thought of them too!!!!!!!!!!!