Actually Macan is Indonesian for Leopard. Harimau is Indonesian for Tiger.
This was an amazing read (especially with my professor lecturing in the background.) And beautiful pictures. Looking forward to the next one.
Now all this needs is a LWB uber-lux version and then you really can have it all.
How much space does the pieces of metal holding the trunk up take up in the trunk when it’s closed?
“That’s not a Buick.”
How easy is it to park or can it even fit in a compact spot? Does the wheels fit in a regular car wash? Speed bump comfortable-ness LOL and turning radius?
I love how they made the backend look like something from the Type 57 Atlantic and Talbot Lago coupe cars but managed to make the inside of that dome look like a yacht.
but why tho
Be still my heart.
Came to post VW Phaeton thinking I’d be the craziest one.
-creates a sub brand called Audi Sport to start branding FWD A4 2.0Ts with A4S and A4RS-
Guy 1: Those damn other Germans at BMW found a niche no one needed before us with their X6. Now that we have our own X6 clone, we gots to think of the future.
It’s gotten to the point that like I don’t even know what to believe anymore. LIKE SURELY NOT ALL THESE TRUMP STORIES CAN BE REAL.
Meanwhile I’m four years into getting a Petroleum Degree and I entered the major right after the launch of the Model S pretty much.
Even though this has newer technology and just is a breath of fresh air compared to what the Germans have been offering, would you personally pick this over its German competitors? Or even something from Lexus or Hyundai?
-thinks for a second-