
Most chaotic was when I was 8. Leaving a Super Bowl party with my dad and 4-year-old sister when my dad hops the curb in his pickup, careens off a telephone pole and into a fire hydrant. This was the ‘80s, so none of us were wearing seat belts, but luckily we didn’t hit the pole head-on and were only going 25-30 MPH,

authorities called a “boyfriend [and] girlfriend type of dispute.”

Both boys and girls are dismissed as victims of sexual assault. Girls are portrayed as being either “precocious” Lolitas or liars, or both. People think they’d be really upset if the victims were girls, but you only have to look at how people actually react when girls say they were molested, to know that isn’t true.

White women. Did you not know they used to literally kill people who weren’t lily white? And by used to, I mean like the 70s/80s, when I was young.

And young. We’re still having to deal with Jon Benet. Name one of R. Kelly’s victims without Googling. I’ll wait.

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

He was so messed up by his dad and never really had a childhood; I thought there was at least a possibility that it really was all innocent, that he was just stunted and strange and wanted friends who were childlike.

I have counseled many survivors of childhood sexual abuse. While it is always awful, there’s something especially heartbreaking about watching a seventy year old man come to terms with how it affected his entire life. Those are some of the bravest men I know.

Oh go fuck yourself. This isn’t a contest.

It doesn’t fuck with society to view girls as victims. Boys are expected to fight, the ones that succumbed didn’t ‘fight hard enough’ or chose to participate.  Grooming is grooming regardless of gender.

I remember watching the Martin Bashir documentary years ago, and when Bashir asked him about the molestation charges, Jackson was tremendously upset and quite convincing when he claimed his relationships with the kids were platonic. He was so messed up by his dad and never really had a childhood; I thought there was

The “you’re just jealous of how hot my fiancée is” defense is particularly loathsome. No, we just think YOU’RE gross, dude. 

It’s vile and disgusting is what it is. As if that sex act itself is degrading, which it’s not, with consenting and of age people.

Sperm =/= kids. Just sperm can’t make children, a woman’s uterus is not a plant pot where men plant their seeds to grow babies. You need an egg too. Congratulations on sounding misogynistic, petty, desperate for attention AND uneducated, “Game”

“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”

I’m always surprised by how many people don’t know that many legendary serial murderers had wives and partners and families who never suspected a thing, and who the men felt no compulsion to kill. Our culture is so confused about everything that we think Ted Bundy is no different from a grizzly bear or hyena. The

wait - i was reading on Reddit last night (so, take it for what you will) that the 5 victims were all women who had been found in the lobby laying face down and all shot execution style.

EH I think the phrases are just lil unimaginative love nuggets. OooOOoOOor designed to drum up pieces like this to promote the new kits.

What would you wear if you knew you were going to be arrested by the FBI at your Fort Lauderdale home?

The assertion that men with submissive kinks won’t commit rape is pathetic. The fact that this guy invaded women-only spaces shows his willingness to violate women’s boundaries. I read an account in Tin House where he nagged a woman who was hosting him to let him sleep in her bed. No sex, of course. He’s a