Luke Warm Take Maker

You’ve had years of chances to critique Barstool for their bullshit, but instead you wait until they are actually attempting to move things in the right direction?

“Barstool Sports, a website for people who never wash their boat shoes”

Hey @ChloeGMoretz - let’s set up a date. The crush is mutual.

Not to mention thay she also had to blow through her entire savings and retirement presumably just to get by, and that could be a hefty chunk of change plus lost interest if her retirement was a 401k or IRA.

Well, we don’t know how successful her photography business was. She lost two years of business-not to mention the impact this will have on future business. So, if she was a high-earning photographer $1 million could be a calculation of her lost earnings plus her legal expenses.

They literally destroyed her successful business; it’s not completely unbelievable that a previously in demand wedding photog could have pulled in that amount in the couple of years since the wedding, not to mention emotional damages.

Nah I’d take a photo of every cheque they send to pay off the $1 million and then when the book is filled with those images send it off as a personal reminder.

They found a way to add eternal bitterness - and perhaps personal bankruptcy - to their “special day”. Memories, indeed.

Fuck these people.

And a debt they’ll probably share long after the marriage is most likely over!

At least the photographer managed to create memories that’ll last forever for the couple.

Over $125???? Nightmare people, calm thy tits. Read thy original contract. Get thee to a nap.

LOL. Wut?

BREAKING NEWS: Lucas Duda tears ACL leaving the Mets

You picked the two sequences that I had the biggest problem with. There’s no way Dragonstone would just be empty for her to throw open the doors and be like ‘it’s nice to be back home.’ She hasn’t been there for 20+ years. It’s barely even dusty...

Did Andre Roberson punch your puppy or something?

This article (or at least the headline) is really, really bad advice for anybody who lives in a city or suburb. Local governments have written laws explicitly addressing this. If you fail to mow your lawn and keep it at a reasonable length, the local municipal government will show up at your house and mow your lawn

I live in chigger-country and appreciate being able to go outside my house without being eat up with bug bites. Also: snakes love high grass, so I’d also like to walk in my lawn without fear of stepping on one of those as well. Lastly, I like to actually go outside and do stuff and not have ass-high grass all around

Eat Arby’s.