Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
American Hitler claimed while running for prez that he wasn’t going to take the salary. (How “big” of him.) By taking it and then donating it, that means this never-miss-a-trick greedy turd can claim the donation as a tax deduction. IE: he ends up costing the government even more money.
You realize you used the word “unmolested” about a story where the new stadium resembles a butthole?
The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.
Maybe those people can just not fucking drink and drive?
I mean... maybe just have a hard look at your life choices...?
While I wouldn’t be particularly opposed to the second half, there’s no reason that the car should suffer. It’s an item with interesting historical value and in the right hands could be part of an educational display. Just because the Nazis were truly evil doesn’t mean every product from them should be destroyed,…
In a debate between cyclists and dog owners about entitlement to public space, who would be the most insufferable? Whichever one is a vegan and/or crossfitter, I assume.
This just in.
It’s a move I’ve seen more in the Arena League.
Should’ve called a chop-block on that concrete wall though...
S-E-C! S-E-C!
That’s certainly going to hurt his draft stock. No breakaway speed and trouble breaking tackles.
It’s the Yankee way. Nobody loved trim more than Jeter.
Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.
This is good news for Ezeli, but I am sad to hear about Greg Oden’s passing.
Nailed the Corolla.
Twitch streaming didn’t almost kill you, being sedentary and not exercising almost did.