If I’m going to be reading a bunch of words about dril please do me a favor and don’t send me flying back to the top of the screen to launch a pop-up asking me to subscribe to AV Club’s newsletter when I’m halfway in. Good lord.
If I’m going to be reading a bunch of words about dril please do me a favor and don’t send me flying back to the top of the screen to launch a pop-up asking me to subscribe to AV Club’s newsletter when I’m halfway in. Good lord.
How was unloading Cousins difficult? Any number of teams would have lined up to take him.
You can get Colby/Cheddar mix at the grocery store deli, generally.
That’s Marco’s alter ego name if you listen to the Keepin It 1600/Pod Save America podcast because he’s a flip flopping craven hack.
This whole article is unhinged and makes you the asshole coworker, congratulations!
The lifeguard in me just had a panic attack and started frantically looking for a whistle to blow.
I just started shaking uncontrollably after reading this. I think I’m triggered.
The US Marshal Service is the enforcement arm of the judiciary branch, they would be tasked with enforcing any court order.
Sorry man, no room. We JUST ran out when I got here.
Dude, you should REALLY consider blurring that out. Internet crazies and all.
That’s your standard old man wallet. Pretty sure my dad’s is thicker than the phone book.
Here’s the other thing: if he was going for some deep academic thought, it’s lost completely on twitter as a medium. All you have to do is show that one tweet to people and whatever other argument you were going for is gone and lost forever. It’s the wrong place to try to do some high minded thought…
Based on the tweets and his response, can confirm that he’s a clueless academic dork. “White genocide” isn’t a thing, yes, but wishing for the mass killing of white people on Christmas is a bad look regardless of whatever satirical point he was going for.
Guy that doesn’t live in deer country spotted.
More venison for the rest of us.
It’s antlers out, buddy.
There’s a massive park that runs through the center of Washington DC and for the last few years the park service has brought in trained sharpshooters to cull a couple hundred deer each year to prevent them from starving when they destroy their source of food. Each year there’s dozens of protesters stacked up to yell…
Nah, this is wrong. The receiver established possession and turned upfield. Play call is upheld, first down dog. However he’s getting a $25k fine for taunting.
People always chuckle when they ask about the silicone wedding ring I wear at the gym or when I’m outside. It’s all fun and games until your finger gets ripped off, at least I know the silicone will rip before my finger does.