So some USPS employee opened up the package after he recognized the name on the package hoping for something good and dumped it when he found hookah stuff?
So some USPS employee opened up the package after he recognized the name on the package hoping for something good and dumped it when he found hookah stuff?
That’s fair. I’m not disagreeing with what you said out of hand. However, there’s quite a few people that come into the Concourse (more in recent times) that lambast Deadspin editors for not “sticking to sports.”
The Concourse has always been the place for Deadspin to discuss non-sports stuff.
Great pictures, Justin.
Pro: extremely energy efficient and takes up far less space than traditional hot water heater. Will eventually save you money on electric or gas.
Don’t worry, not at an attack on you. Just that people confuse a show’s popularity with its quality a lot. BBT is successful because its lowest common denominator stuff that allows the masses to turn off their brains for 30 minutes.
Successful isn’t necessarily a great measure for how good a TV show is. Big Bang Theory is successful but I wouldn’t call it quality programming. On the other hand The Wire was great television, but it was hardly successful at least until it was winding down and everyone found out about it.
Jesus Christ, it’s amazing that people actually believe things like this. One shot is all it takes to kill you.
So you want him to start shooting at the police before they shoot back?
What an amateur hour painting. Those hands are far too big to be Trump’s.
I would have started a GoFundMe to pay for Tramaine Brock’s fine if he speared that guy as he went running by.
I used to work at small city TV studio, a lot of them do it. If you see a reporter wearing something that’s not a dress while sitting behind the news desk, it’s a good bet that they’re wearing shorts or jeans under the desk.
Hey all you kinja savants, it looks like the Washington Spirit will have a new position open in social media soon!
Fresno declined the penalty, so no loss of yards assessed. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go clean these air ducts because I keep getting dust in my eyes.
Watch out guys, we got a hot take coming through.
Always a trucking truther lurking in the comments.
Shut up Chris Kluwe.
Deal is dead for the Charge 2
Deal is dead for the Charge 2
Pretty funny seeing a Lifehacker article about intrusive ads when the empire formerly known as Gawker Media had some of the most intrusive mobile ads I’ve seen.