I personally don’t think it’s wrong to wish ill on any monster and believe me, Trump, Pence, and the Millers are true monsters.
I personally don’t think it’s wrong to wish ill on any monster and believe me, Trump, Pence, and the Millers are true monsters.
Not as much fun as him dying by being stabbed in the throat with a broken bottle by a deranged homeless white nationalist, but you have to take what you can get.
In fairness:
SO, I had COVID and let me tell you how much it suuuuucked.
You’re right, I don’t hope he dies. I hope it paralyzes him and he spends the next 65 years fully conscious, but unable to express himself or control any part of his body voluntarily, as he is in constant pain from the bedsores he gets from laying in puddles of his own urine every day while CNN plays in the…
Didn’t he throw in that it was because they controlled the senate? The words he used was something like “The people spoke when they elected a republican majority senate. The democrats don’t control the senate.” This is just how fucking important voting is this time (and EVERY TIME you mid term flunky assholes) but…
That’s a preposterous idea not supported by science at all!
Not really. Evil people should not be encouraged. If someone said back in 1943 that Hitler should die... would you chastise them?
And she can go with him. She knew who he was and she married him anyhow. Two less evil people in the world the better.
That would be nice, but we shouldn’t limit our hopes to just one category of calamity to befall him. That goes for drumpf too, I really want him to die on the toilet.
McConnell has already said that he intends to ignore that “rule” with respect to any opening on the court in the next term.
“The tests are perfect,” he said, “but something can happen between a test where it’s good and then something happens and all of a sudden ... today I guess for some reason she tested positive.”
I’m not convinced Trump hasn’t tested positive. He’s the kind of piece of human garbage that would absolutely pretend not to have been tested positive to downplay the severity of the situation.
I’ve taken to calling Biden “RBG’s Retirement Plan.” It helps me get over all the...other stuff.
If it happens I have this often quote bon mot ready:
“I will personally be thrilled if Stephen Miller dies of covid-19"
Is Trump living in a sealed chamber in the WH? I’ve heard he’s a notorious germaphobe but it’s hard to believe he’s been able to dodge the virus this long.
Never use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice. :)
This is what the leader of the free world is doing with his time; he is arguing with a singer and his wife on a fucked up social media platform. Millions of people are ok with this embarrassment. This is what we do now. This is America. Fuck...
Beat me to it.