Luke Sulla

Right. It’s like someone deleted a paragraph or something. 

Whatever arguments the doc makes could probably be explained in a paragraph or two, but doing so would mean you have no reason to watch the thing. This reviewer is being loyal to the filmmakers by telling you that it “makes some really good points” without elaborating on those points at all.

Pretty telling that Katie repeatedly mentions that the doc shows “context” but never actually says what it is!

You keep mentioning this “context” that somehow makes Carter look like less of a psychopath than she does via the actual evidence. Well, what’s the context then??

I realize reading might not be the #1 “Steve” Skill but if you try branching out a little, you’ll discover that you’re a fucking idiot.

You lost him at “read.”

Read the report before commenting next time.  

Shut up, tomato.

They love counting on their supporters selective memory or plain apathy towards equality when doing this shit. Doesn’t serve a purpose? Neither did dragging Hillary Clinton into a bazillion hearings but you fucks did it anyway.

Not the Mueller!

I read “mates” as a verb.. Please remove this image from my head.

Given a choice between Trump and Fox, his base goes with Trump. You just need to watch the reactions when Chris Wallace and Shep Smith go off the reservation.

CNN has it up at the top with four other links to related stories underneath. Baracka, as usual, is delusional.

Trump clearly believes that accusing someone/something of being unpopular or “having low ratings” is the most crushing insult one can deliver. It really makes sense given that his entire sad existence is the pursuit of attention and praise.

I know. In the dim and diseased recesses of his mind, he’s still running against Hillary. The worst part is that his followers suck that bullshit up like Hoovers in MAGA hats. 

Obviously they’ll be met with a resounding DECLINE but the optics of not inviting them would be pretty gross.

He initially typed these tweets on the TV remote.

He comments on the news like he’s watching WWE wrestling. Good guys, bad guys, divisional rivals, ratings, audiences...

This is where I like to point out that the effects of long-term amphetamine abuse and symptoms of early-stage dementia are quite similar to one another. Anyway, yeah honestly hoping an aorta gives out soon.

I got a really uneasy feeling when he called them “degenerate Comcast”. I don’t like being on the same side as Trump in an opinion.