Luke DiVasta

How much longer do we have left?

And some people think Tom Brady had it rough.

Sorry, but we need much less role play in video games. NBA 2K is the perfect example of when something like that goes overboard. Just get rid of the cut scenes.

This is why I love you, Drew Magary.

I hate Duke, but I’d much rather watch them with Allen then without. I know the kid is a tool and he tripped a couple of kids, any school in the country would do the same. Get your best players on the floor.

Guys, it’s 2017...

Oh wow Lane you’re such a thoughtful guy. Not hiring Briles because of his past, but welcoming DeAndre Johnson with open arms. I’m sure no one will mention that at all as your Owls skid to a 3-9 season.

How does something like this never happen to Tom Brady?

It’s not because of the players or coaches or administration today. It’s the culture Penn State built around football that would allow such heinous acts to occur knowingly. If any program ever deserved the “death penalty” it’s this one.

I was sitting there thinking about how you said nothing about the game but I couldn’t help being more interested in the thought of pre-internet porn.

Now just imagine how far Trent Richardson could make it if he had to.

Officials are gifts from the sports gods and should be treated as such.

Who else are you going to put in then? It’s not crazy in the NL to give up one at-bat for your closer who has been pitching lights out.

Don’t fight, or trip.

What’s the biggest/best sporting event you’ve ever missed? And what caused you to miss it?

What’s the best album to listen to all the way through that’s not considered to be a classic?

Which fast-casual mexican eatery has the best utensils? (Moes, Chipotle, Qdoba, etc.) I say Chipotle but I have buddies who swear by Qboba’s.

His strategy seems to involve him saying something ridiculous, then just yelling about how it’s not what he meant the entire rest of the time...

Couldn’t agree more. I’m a college kid with Fenway Park as my typical venue of choice. There’s no way in hell I’m paying $100+ for a ticket, but I’ll gladly get as close as I can, only until the person shows. How can you seriously sit there and argue with someone whose ticket matches the back of your seat?

4th and 29