Super Stupor

Still waiting for Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

autobahn is considered safer and has no speed limit.

What do you mean no need for them, the transistor revolutionized electronics..

If you have NAND gates already I can't wait to see the first E-coli transistor. Is this the next evolutionary step for minecraft?

What's to make us think it's slow? It's probably similar to a chemical reaction, in which case the propagation delay should be pretty fast.

Pfft, you mean you don't have an unlimited supply of batteries? Peasant.

You can hardly call it a rumor..

If my mom gave me armor and told me to fight her when I was 16 I would have shat my pants and begged for mercy.

You could easily rectify the energy if you moved back to rolly ball mouse, but I'd rather replace batteries every 30 minutes than clean the gunk out of one of those damn things again.

But with Batman, Battlefield, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect coming out within such close proximity of each other, how can you choose??

In your defense a reader on the look-out for spoilers would stop reading your comment after "didn't reveal that..."

No consumer that pays for their games will be punished in any way, only the ones who pay gamestop for the game will when they buy it used.

When it comes to the industry, I believe the lesser of the two evils would be developers as opposed to buying the used game from somebody like Gamestop. In my personal opinion I think all games should just be digital download/stream, hopefully reducing the cost, environmental impact, and losses to developers.

Yeah, but I'm a cheaparse.

Except that you want to show support for Dev's like Rocksteady who came out of left field and did something amazing. I'm not rolling in coin, but if I can't afford to splurge $5 extra for a game to support an underdog studio than I probably shouldn't be buying games in the first place.. miserly jewbagel.

You can still play the game without this added content, why shouldn't they protect their investment from people pirating/"borrowing"/renting/buying used games?

Plots are related, although I imagine you could still have fun just playing AC. Just go buy the first one on the cheap, if you have the time to play it. Arkham Asylum was fairly short, and incredibly fun, well worth a play.

Very smart on Rocksteady's part, looks like I'm buying it new.

Voodoo knows what he's doing..