Super Stupor

@evabset6001 hearted

Hardware issues like solder coming undone on your xbox are totally caused by software from this Beta.. RIIIGHT. Way to spread false information. My xbox froze multiple times, and is a 2007 model, no RROD for me.

Not for me, and I'll leave it at that personal-wise.

We all know that taking away their porn will make them much less violent and sex-mongering, because porn is, so obviously, the devil.

If I wanted to find out I know I could have googled it, but I just didn't want to spoil anything for myself.

Valkyrie just made a flashback for Adama with Bulldog showing up, one part of the mystery solved.

"And no, we're not talking about Cthulhu."

Seriously, I would spend hours on that stuff.. sadly, no longer.

Oh god, I'm only on Season 3 so I don't know what Battlestars Berzerk and Valkyrie are, but I'm dying to find out!

For anybody interested, it's also on Red Box right now for $1 haha.

Damn good cookies though.

"Everybody wants to be a jet pilot."

So are stealthy backstabbers going to be relevant now without stupid chameleon spells/enchants?

The downside, it probably causes cancer like everything else that's good.

Why wouldn't you want your car to smell like toast? Better than weed and after-sex.

Mind blower of the week.

I would be holding these machines at ransom. "I want a gift card, and a sundae!"

I don't know about that, let's take one of the latest changes, the chat bar. I've literally all but stopped using facebook because of the way the new chatbar is. Maybe it is an intermediary step between something better and the old ways, but it's awful, so it would seem have yet to reach step 3, and facebook is

Maybe they should visit their local hobby shop for some ideas?

So basically.... No.