Super Stupor

How is this part of "Kotaku Core"?

So tl;dr, no hoverboards?

At first I read "Jason has a wife and kids, so I had more to lose", which made me laugh.

I have a love-hate relationship with this show. I feel like it has so much promise, but it just can't seem to hit its stride. I find myself constantly yelling at the main characters about their poor decision making, "Why didn't you pick up his gun?!" etc. I haven't seen this season finale yet, so you give me hope.

Depends on your cultural context what defines "odd". I fail to see the relevancy of him being given a gun as a gift 3 years prior to the murder.

My favorite part was when you simultaneously blamed the gun and denied the video game's involvement in the murder in the same post. Bravo.


The level of destruction in BF3 is so disappointing compared to BC2... You could blow up nearly anything (there were a couple of buildings on each map that couldn't be touched), but with BF3 the opposite seems true. Always fun when my M1Abrams tank gets stopped up on the highway by some half blown up 1/4 ton car.. wtf

Not sure you'd be able to get through the entire Oscar Meyer song on a whipit.

So we don't have a repeat of the Rwandan Genocide?

I was thinking this as well, although 10 months is probably within the standard deviation for their lifespan, it is definitely on the low end.

Surprised video game addiction didn't get thrown in here somewhere.

I've got the same problem. Damn the 20gb hard drive! I hope the next gen does come out next winter... but $200 for a 250gb console is so tempting.

I'm assuming his father was also half colonial-American, so that will probably come into play. As long as the relationship remained amicable he would probably seek out his father's help. Also, if Desmond can relive this life, that means they're related. I wonder if the relation travels back paternally or

What you're probably referring to is the Levallois technique, but the majority of lithics are actually cores.

That made my night.

I'm sad that this is supposedly news on Giz.. this has been around for what, 12 years?

Pleistocene Beaver, Direwolf, and Giant Sloth also!

So, did the snake go to second place?

It may look more refined, but I love the grassroots look of my MFLB. Also, the price tag is almost twice as much for this thing!