
I don't even give out my real e-mail address anymore. I always give out my forwarding address, if I need to switch accounts and I don't have to worry about it.

He was so excited to be on tv, which makes it so much funnier.

The Germans discovered it in 1904, and they called it "San Diego", which in German means "whale’s vagina".

over 10 million people have Google+ accounts... Still a far cry from Facebook's 750 million

How do you know that they didn't and they are just not telling you?

Its very similar to the effect of capturing a helicopter on video. The frame rate of the video camera is so slow that it captures the frequencies of the strings.

John Leguizamo agrees with you

Someone needs to tell Charles Barkley its not Turrible.

It's enough to break a camels back.

With that being the case I don't think they'll ever get rid of those rules. The way it is now they can get your attention any time they want, and chances are they won't get rid of that power.

Myth Busters showed that elephants are scared of mice. I would say proved, but you can't exactly say they follow the scientific method. They also showed how funny it is to watch an elephant be scared of mice.

You mean like the time I stuck a corn kernel up my nose. I'll never do that again.

What the hell is wrong with you Gizmodo, this has nothing to do with gadgets. You've really fallen off the wagon. j/k Nice short entertaining read.

I think it's quite humorous to call my phone dumb, even though I enjoy it immensely.

How old is that kid supposed to be, seems odd that he is always carrying a gun, that or he has a baby face.

I'm pretty sure the workspace idea is legacy from Linux. We run on Linux machines where I work and it's not hard to know when you have other programs open. In the workspace it shows little boxes representing all the things that you have open. The only problem is when you have things open but minimized, then there

"rumor mill"

Well the way they work is usually that you can't buy from a state if your driver's license is from that state. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason and fireworks stands stay open, they just sell to out of state customers.

As someone who grew up in MI, I would say that their policy is more along the lines of "Hope you like (sensibly sized) sparklers." We used to always go over into WI to get our fireworks.

While creepy, most of this stuff you could do on the internet anyways. I did this to a guy at work once just to creep him out. I was able to find most of his immediate family, his high school marriage certificate, and address. The things that are more difficult to acquire are birthdays. There is really no way to