
This has more to do with long vs short number notation and nothing to do with grammar. Look it up sometime.

Well it's posted on Gizmodo because Michael found it interesting, and I'm sure other readers found it interesting as well. Ranting about fake science is good, but jumping on the editors doesn't make any sense.

I was also spammed. We should start a support group.

That's what I'm trying to say, a few hundred miles does not equate to all of Canada or South America.

I did watch it, saying it can hit anywhere is sensational, saying it can hit anywhere along the orbit footprint would be more accurate.

Isn't saying that it can fall anywhere from Canada to South America a little deceiving. I was under the impression that an orbital ground trace would look something like this, and while yes the sinusoidal path does go over Canada and South America, the satellite can only hit the earth along that path. I can't hit

new feed link is broken

You can find the alt text here, [] which was in the original post.

Yep... just like when I put my ___ in her ___, ___ porosity occlusion treatment

They changed Fudge Brownies to the recipe for Hershey Squirts

Without a tator

Very interesting, but does it also measure cadence?

Do the Dew.

"supply individual individual solenoid valves"

Most of my stools are made with explosions as well but that's another story.

I wonder if this affects people who can't remember faces.

I particularly like the chase scene with the lead car tied to the trailing car. How are they ever going to get away !?!

They are there to see if its true that even a man in space will try to screw any hole he sees.