Controversial opinion: “99 percent of mobile games are trash.”
Controversial opinion: “99 percent of mobile games are trash.”
Questionable opinions aside, you sound like a complete jackass based on the tone of your comments.
Return your cart to the cart return. Don’t be a lazybones. Propping the wheels up on a curb isn’t a valid alternative.
If you are on the fence on this game the demo is long as hell. Like two hours of the game. It’s a real good demo that will either suck you in or tell you it’s not your thing.
But that anecdotal
Found the kool aid drinker.
I’ll just happily stick with the ‘basic bitch’ plan.
Agreed. I wish they’d just offer those games for sale, or even just have a $5/month PS Retro plan. I could easily get $60/year of value out of that, but probably not $120...
“While most of the world has settled on using a hard G (“gif”), owing to the word’s spelling”
Remember, if you don’t like the slideshow format, you can narrow your browser window! That should display contiguous entries in article format.
Man, PC Game Pass does some weird shit.
This was supposed to be a twist? It was a detail that was completely ancillary to the overall plot, made absolutely no difference to anything.
I understand what they were trying, but it felt like a really week set piece in a convoluted, and frankly unnecessary story beat. Faro being alive amounted to absolutely nothing and seemed like it was dropped in last second. Coupled with not showing Faro or having any meaningful interaction, and it fell flat.
I think even a quick glimpse of him or a tentacle or some blob-Ted melting through the doorway before quickly cutting away would have been a more effective way of delivering this moment. It really felt very anti-climactic and caused the whole Thebes quest to fall kind of flat for me.
So the developer is a loser. Got it.
Never has a game so swiftly torpedoed my interest upon starting it for reasons not related to the actual gameplay.
I don’t know what the Putin simps expected, but if it was “Poles being okay with Russian Imperialism” they don’t know their history.
A major different between the invasion of Ukraine and US campaigns is that the former is a war of conquest. Why is public response so different? Because the world long ago decided that it no longer tolerated imperialism. That is where the line is drawn.