
Nepheli is the only one I was thinking. I had forgotten Kenneth Haight was in the same room because I wasn’t as invested in him

is there? So far I’ve only run into ONE npc that hasn’t died at the end of their questline. 

Yes. You can’t judge art in a vacuum.

most recently he was harassing Kim and Pete Davidson very publicly, but that’s the tip of the iceberg of dumb or awful shit Kanye has done or said. 

You can only get invaded if you have someone with you, so if you’re doing solo play, unless you use a specific item, there’s almost 0 chance of you getting invaded by someone trying to cause grief. 

Because it’s Nintendo. They never really give us proper Zelda sequels to begin with and even BOTW was delayed until it was done. This happening to the sequel which Aonuma himself has said is not just land but also the sky and more means it’s not just small additions on the same map

you missed out on a lot of good stuff then

Zelda games are notorious for being done when they’re done. This isn’t a surprise.

At least Aonuma was nice enough to include a tiny bit of new footage in that aanouncement.

He didn’t make fun of her condition, he made fun of GI Jane

The more comments I read from this guy the more cartoonishly incel-y he sounds. 

God I can smell the axe body spray and the fedora on your head. 

eighteen. Teen is right there. 

*fedora tip*

Fair. Using Fall damage to kill Radhan is definitely a cheese then. Same with Moghwyn’s gate skip. 

It’s kinda cheesing if you apply rot and just let it eat him and keep running. I only ever really got near him to use dragon’s breath and then dipped out and let everyone else take him out.

if it’s the spear fight I’m not quite there yet but I am close.

Admittedly I feel like a lot of the “cheeses” are designed to be

I think the only boss two bosses I cheesed were Mohgwyn and Radhan. For Mohgwyn I did the gate skip so I just hit him a lot. For Radhan I used rot. That fight was still tough tho. 

I’m still using Mimic Tear and it’s still fairly effective. If anything it draws aggro away from me and still has significant health so I don’t have to take hits. Plus any bleed effect still applies so while it’s doing less damage per hit, bleed is still stacking and that’s fairly standard.

So far all the footage I’ve seen looks fine. I’m not really playing Mario Kart to look at the set dressing. I’m playing Mario Kart to get hit by 3 red shells in a row. 

You need to follow some steps before Haight moves. Mainly you need to go help Nepheli get out of her funk. 

try fingers