
I want this list but for Liurnia where every entry is a lobster.

think that you can take one of the roaming dragons on? Think again!

same goes for that one knight with the shield and spear in the first ruins. That guy made my early days miserable.

the fire bladebird can go straight to hell. 

I love that Caelid is the second region/biome you stumble into and even at level 170 i’m still getting my ass kicked by some things there. 

Because a company is allowed to take control of their own IP? 

As soon as you mentioned the mist I just assumed you walked out of there soaking wet. The Batman is very wet movie.

I’m hoping that’s the case. With Cross and Radical Dreamers coming to the switch I still think it’s a major oversight that this is not available on the platform. 

This seems like a very sad time to be a member or fan of Smash Mouth.

I spent some time last night banging my head against Godrick. I had him one hit away and rolled off the map like a dunce.

it’s better to call her a thief than an Eco-terrorist.

The headline of this article should be “Mad Max: Fury Road crew recall how unprofessional Tom Hardy was on set

if anything they should at least add the magil/magus storyline back to cross and do it properly.

Square seems to be pushing older games but in special ways. I’m just hopeful because I really want more Chrono Trigger and Square seems to sometimes do weird things with this game when porting it. For example the DS port had new stuff added to it. 

I’m starting to think Square is doing a 2.5D version of Chrono Trigger after seeing Live A Live

ty ty. I had caught them all back in X and Y and had a bunch of shinies too. I’ll probably move those today. 

It would be nice to move some of those mons to something more future-proofed and permanent. I don’t believe there’s any way to transfer something from the 3DS games to the switch games is there?

I guess that puts it on par with an EVA if you go by the rebuild timeline

To quote Pete Davidson.

Isn’t everyone here except maybe Shinji at a disadvantage against Shin Godzilla?

You could argue that if the EVA incited an Impact it could beat up Godzilla probably but everyone else is kinda screwed a bit?