H2O International is a gigantic annual car show in Maryland that’s known for three things: 1) the world’s lowest and…
H2O International is a gigantic annual car show in Maryland that’s known for three things: 1) the world’s lowest and…
He “reapered”.
As we search for a talented reviews editor, we’re going to torture all of you with this borderline racist pile of trash writer no one on the planet ever heard of before, yet somehow has been working as a car reviewer for aparently one day too long.
Thrilled? A Jezebel post would have been easier to read than this.
She wanted a CEO because after seeing how this race has gone, she felt she needed someone with a Cavalier attitude...
Is this real life? Because I’ll be damned if that isn’t one of the loveliest interior photos I’ve ever seen.
I’m sorry but that’s just..... daft. I mean listen to yourself. “Instigating irrational behavior”? So the dash cam guy MADE the asshat be an asshat? Look, traffic is a pain, but it’s up to everyone on the road to NOT be an asshole. What if the guy in front had slowed up because he dropped something on the floor? …
So you’re saying on your scale of stupid things humans do running a light, passing on the right, passing in an illegal area, using your car as a skateboard to grind a rail into a school bus full of children all because you lost two seconds of drive time is BETTER than doing a misguided good deed for the day?
Phew, what…
Jacob: yea people yield to school buses.
I was in eighth grade and she was a senior. She was using me, and I knew it, grudgingly admitted it, because I helped her with math homework almost every day, and I was enough of a nerd to not be any serious threat to her real social group, but also not such a tremendous outcast that she’d be socially demerited just…
EXCLUSIVE: Here is the 1986 Toyota Supra!
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
You’re welcome, Wilbur.
Clearly, you are nothing. You will always be nothing.
Came to post exactly this.
03-04 M45's are actually really rare.
Tell us how you really feel, Raph.
No one is. They get discounted to the mid to high $50k’s, and they’re worth it. Way nicer than any of the luxury cars we had growing up while still doing everything asked of it while holding decent resale value. And still get 20+ on the highway.
It’d be a force of habit for me, furthest lane right until I’m impeded by slower moving traffic. It’s Forida their roads are pretty well maintained due to constant paving and little salt/plow. I95, although boring, is a dream to ride on.
This could have been set in (insert any place that has agriculture).