
Why is anyone, including the author linking to anything from the Washington Examiner? Let’s all post vids from Fox/OAN, ok? This is so unnecessary, there are plenty of other outlets who could use the hits that are actual dogged true believer journalists, not hacks at places like WE, OAN etc.

Yo, when you spout things such as you did above, you should have a link or two to share to cya if/when people start asking silly little questions like, where is the evidence that this happened?

Couple of things: 1) Bernie also said he believes Ms. Flores, 2) Ms. Flores has decided not to weigh, yet from all accounts. Those two small tidbits of facts actually change the tenor of the story, imo.

You listen to Pod Save America, I bet?

The only way this comment ages well is if this actually happens. I don’t think you want this to age well, right? Still a bad joke. 

Like I should fear and worry that the burning planet is going to eff us? Yeah, I get that and that’s why I am not happy with Obama. 

You mean snidely replying to futuristic neolibs more concerned with people being nice to them than fixing the planet? I think if there is a higher power, they’d be pleased and I’m going to heaven.

I’m interested in knowing why in your offensively bad quip/joke which the punchline of “You should be nice to me or I’d better watch out, I’m from the future remember...” is not even a bad pun (I’d respect that, even legit laugh) that it’s still tacitly implied you’d still be more bout that concern trolling

Wow, that is awesome you can come back in time to concern troll progressive policies but didn’t have the foresight to do more to prevent Trump? Not the best come back on your part, walkingdude. 

How do you know this?

Triggered much? 

If and when if comes to Social Security, might not be a bad idea to have Obama take a course or two on its impact, function and necessity. But Obama won the presidency twice and even though whole dem apparatus lost 1000's of seats at the state, local and federal level, so how dare Ms. Watson criticize Barack the Great?

You are taking the nuance from the discussion. Dems lost seats from 2010 to 2016 using his playbook and splintered (pun intended) (ie DNC and OFA). 2018 rolls around and Bernie’s policies and ideas help flip the house. Grass roots work without the platitudes. Obama was the opposite of that, a charismatic guy who was

It’s more or less concern trolling, right?

I think there are stark differences between the two. Yeah, he may have been a little tongue-in-cheek but Gawker was more of a gossip/celeb blog that covered politics. It was in the name, Gawker. Like gawking at the famous, wealthy and well connected ie the Hogan lawsuit and who paid fund it and why. Splinter is

I am really sorry to hear about your loss. That really sucks.

Well, her history of protesting protesters of the Iraq War, conflating valid criticism of Israel with Antisemitism, awhile saying theAs an American” tweet to criticize a war-refugee, WOC and one of the only Muslim reps in congress, Rep. Omar and her criticism of Israel. Dogpiling on a WOC, who is also Muslim in

I don’t think you need to name call but it’s called fund-raising what your peeps the Clintons do too but they also make mad money off tragedy, which it seems you already know which is why you resorted to name-calling. Peace be with you too. 

The Clintons have raised dough after natural/human disasters, you realize their venmo is for those such things, correct? I am just making sure because your comment is not only offensive because it’s un-moored from reality, it isn’t even funny. FYI, we live in a gig-economy where wages have stagnated since the ‘70s and

She and other women of means aren’t some snowflakes. Policies she helped defend killed pregnant women in Iraq and Honduras. I think she should be able to handle a little public criticism for helping pile-on a WOC, pregnant or not. Also, the defense of her is a little sexist, imo and a little white-fragility-ish too.