
She and other women of means aren’t some snowflakes. Policies she helped defend killed pregnant women in Iraq and Honduras. I think she should be able to handle a little public criticism for helping pile-on a WOC, pregnant or not and is a little sexist, imo and a little white-fragility-ish too. She protested

She and other women of means aren’t some snowflakes. Policies she helped defend killed pregnant women in Iraq and Honduras. I think she should be able to handle a little public criticism for helping pile-on a WOC, pregnant or not and is a little sexist, imo and a little white-fragility-ish too. She protested

Lefty and proud....LEFT IS BEST!!!

Well that is why slave owners got compensated and Black Folk still waiting. And Natives. So, with that said who cares? Compensate them for what? They have plenty of money and the idea they need to be compensated for something they can (legally) black-mail the public for. So, we are compensating them for what? Paying

Fam, listen to the WTF with Ms. Moreno. The racism toward her own people is astounding, won’t date Latinos. Again, there are white Latinos and then there are people like Rosario Dawson, Yalitza Aparicio, Celia Cruz and on and on that are actually folks with Native and/or Afro Latino blood. Which fine, sell this as

The show consists of white Latinos, like people with Spanish Blood but zero Native. I watched the first season and it grated on my politics because there was this seen where they take in an undocumented child and Justina’s character just glossed over the wet foot-dry foot policy and how Cuban’s have a different

OMG!!! The woman who defended Elliot Abrams said it was antisemitic

OMG!!! The woman who defended Elliot Abrams said Neo-Con was an antisemitic slur.

Yes but someone who is as entrenched as Windhorst is/has been since LeBron came into the league, has the ties to not only a person very invested in their image as LeBron is, but the League and he works for the WWL, then at some point we have to start being skeptical. It may not be him but if we are honest with

Yes! 100% agree. It’s literally why almost 40% of people didn’t vote in the last election, many are people on the left, independents if you will, who believe that Dems are just not with it on economic and that they won’t fight for the public on positions that not only the public favors but are actually very good

Bro, they were mocking the alliance. You aren’t good with nuance, sarcasm or snark are you? What’s Antisemotism btw? Still all ears for that one, fyi. Quit name calling people. You are acting like a boorish jerk when you do that and makes it pretty clear you’re a troll (got the You are contraction right this time,

Anti-Semote? Really? What is that? Tell me more about Anti-Semotism? I am not familiar. LOLOLOLOL

Italics? OOOhhhh, you must be a true believer in your own racist BS. I feel bad for you that you think anything can be construed as Antisemitic and used to justify hate, violence and fear of Muslims. But racists gonna racists and ignore actual Antisemitism from the right because you don’t like Black People, Women

Huh? Me defending her right to criticize makes you more mad than her alleged Antisemitism? Huh? You that mad at me for having a legit debate? Proves my point that are racist and don’t give a shit about a legit debate or actual Antisemitism, Jewish or not, you are more concerned about erasing a Black woman than you are

Yeah, the white dude getting frothy at the mouth about a Black-Muslim woman whose also an immigrant criticizing AIPAC’s influence on our politics and misconstruing everything she’s said about the issue and weaponizing tropes and arguing in bad faith as a means to impede debate isn’t racist? Suuuuuurrreeeee. I’d tell

You seem like a racist pos. It bothers me that someone who doesn’t know me call tell me to eff-off and call me an idiot b/c I don’t think she is being Antisemitic and they aren’t arguing in good faith. I know most people are bothered by that, it’s a very human reaction to people being jerks, like you are doing. Again,

Yeah, Ilhan Omar is one of those people as well.” This statement is based on what? The weaponizing of tropes that have nothing to do with what she is saying to obfuscate the real debate? This is pure conjecture nothing more than that. What on this planet tells you she is “one” of those people? This time add some real