
You just basically said I know she is but what am I and nitpicked a dumb typo. OMG!!! You got me!!!! LULZ!!!! Nothing you said is based in anything other than assumptions and projections about her very needed critiques of Israel and its (i removed the apostrophe to make sure you I was following your rules for this

I understand you are in the not working in good faith camp. You’re problem should be with people who are using these very real tropes for the purposes to obfuscate a real debate about real world issues. I get what you are saying but that ain’t happening. AIPAC and Israel have outsized influence on our politics where

It’s very possible that people aren’t working in good faith, couldn’t care less about the plight of Jewish folk outside of Israel and are weaponizing these tropes to obscure from Israel’s wrong doing and how it actually lobbies our government to prevent accountability. The people doing this are trying to have it both

Just cause Kamala said something about decriminalizing sex work doesn’t mean she actually supports it. Just saying something isn’t action and her actions as AG and DA show she did everything she could to further marginalize SWers. She also voted for SESTA/FOSTA too. Her truancy policies too? He can be pushed. Maybe 44

Hit man? No, and words have meaning. Body man? Yeah, basically he was Gary Walsh ala Veep. Ain’t nobody on that crew catch a body, all of them softer than Charmin. Well, Ivanka seems like she may have run over someone but besides that, dude was a glorified body man for Sir Cheeto of Dotardia. 

How isn’t that child exploitation in some form? 

Uh, all due respect, for real though, fuck billionaires. The culturally appropriating-from-the-bottom-to the-top-faking Kardashians especially. 

National Archives has a vested interest in unbiased posterity, Obama’s foundation doesn’t. That is a problem. I love OBH. I really love him but I also view him as huge disappointment, a let down and the type of guy who isn’t invested in making genuine change. The idea that somehow his team can do the job of an office

Unless that is a typo, he called it the Democratic Party not the Democrat Party. Which, if anyone knows the history of right-wing shit-baggery of the mid’80's to the present, that is noteworthy. Unless he’s never really done that but I just noticed it. Limbaugh, all the way to rank and file congress members all say

Thank you for the kind words and your help. Much appreciated. 

All due respect but in what way is he a deterrent when his ideas that, ones he’s been pushing since day-one are not only actually being discussed but there are people he helped get to congress via them working on his campaign putting said ideas into action? He’s a very good candidate based on policy, what he’s seemed

As far as I know Harris ain’t support strikes like my man Tony does. Bad comparison. Harris ain’t about that underground sound and anyone not mentioning Munuchin anytime they mention her name isn’t doing their homework.

This is so dismissive and misses the mark completely. Ya’ll keep talking that ish about Bernie but none of ya’ll actually can admit the policies everyone is falling over themselves to support he helped make popular. Dude supported Jesse Jackson even though dude (Jackson) was D. AOC, Abrams, and on and on supported him

Settlements with out disclosures are useless. Though, I know it’s good for Kap and Reid and hopefully they get a lot out this and that Kap is employed soon.

If her truancy polices or her weed stances aren’t fair critiques, what is? You can’t lock people up for what their teens do especially those who are making $75,000 a year or less. (This disproportionately affected POCs many can’t afford to miss work, let alone take rapsheet L for their kids, very bad policy that

Ya’ll realize her moms is friends with Polanksi, right? So, how does she square that with she said in the interview? Also, Moses, her brother, alleges coaching and abuse at the hands of Mia, who had relationships with the Judge (named one of her kids after him) and the investigators, one of which was reprimanded for

Dude could kill the salary cap/luxury tax all by himself or do a lot to fix it/change it. Also, he a bad gm and when it don’t work out for him, the media says guys like Kevin Love and so on are horrible barely above replacement level. I wouldn’t want to play with LeBron. As soon as shit isn’t top of the east shit, he