
It seems like an echo chamber of Liz supporters going HRC supporters complaining about than the mystical screaming Bernie Bros circa 2016. Bernie easily has the most diverse base of support. And started a movement nearly 5 years ago with a ridiculous ground game. The trolls who are few and maybe bots in comparison to

The A’s haven’t used the opener much if at all this season. 

The following quote distills exactly what Griffin was talking bout in the SI interview, (emphasis mine).

Like why are you even using the teams name/nickname? It’s a slur, my dude and shortening it doesn’t make it any less offensive. 

The headline is worse than the content of the posat. Well twritten as usually but pretty much grasping at straws to make it seem like Bernie said something he really didn’t or make it seem like he did. He’d be the first Jewish president too. This is was a useless post.

I am really hoping someone coins a Captain Beefheart related nickname for Fred VanVleet. Dude balls and hope someone in Canada or a certain Bay Area writer at The Athletic will get over his sorrows sooner than later and put in some work to giving Fred a dope moniker that is a shout-out avant garde rock’s more


TBH - I was mad worried that he was supporting some BS right-wing politics. I don’t know much about Nurk but I know we love the big, lovable, agile and tough oaf. He’s our people here in the 503. And to know he’s doing something to shed light on something most American know zero about makes me appreciate his presence

Landing spot? Both he and CP are kicking out there legs to make contact. CP was about to dropkick Livingston if he wasn’t trying to draw a foul. If you go straight up or out naturally you should get the call and that is possible without trying to dropkick someone. They should be calling it if they are going straight

The one with CP is so bad because he oversells it by flipping out is legs like he’s about to dropkick Livingston. So the refs aren’t falling for their shit now and when they maybe should get a call it doesn’t break their way bc no one believes them bc they oversell everything. I hope they get they ass kicked bc I love

As a Blazers fan, I know POR has to get passed DEN or SAS but I’d love to see POR play LAC if they upset both the Rockets and Warriors, or in the least play HOU after they go 7 games with LAC bc they got cocky and under-estimated everyone but the Warriors and Dame and CJ have Harden and Paul running from

What’s gonna be pretty funny is how in about 5 months when Bernie’s ground game starts to overwhelm the field bc when he took the L in 2016, built his base and now has an overwhelming advantage in name rec and starting with an enormous advantage on the ground with fundraising/ground game, this will be moot. Most polls

That’s funny bc it’s seems like this is actually a centrist echo chamber that seems to crap on Bernie but they don’t really care about any policy or person outside of their ragasms at Bernie. Ground game, watch how that makes this article moot in about 5 months. 

I think it’s funny how medicare for all has the traction it does and the people who got elected in 2018 kinda rode his coattails and he caucuses with the dems and shows leadership in calling out the ish on Rep. Omar, leads the way on voting rights but he ain’t a dem?

Russell Westbrick!

Agreed. I think Martin claims the inverse. Fine, I don’t agree with him. Warren is a microagression that was quickly checked. And instead of moving forward and realizing POC are pawns to centrists, somehow being used as a pawn to advance a cynical agenda gets passing treatment in this piece at the start of the in

Dude seems like a turd. The kind of turd people let do whatever they want because of charm or whatever but nobody really likes. Full Disclosure: I’m a Marcus Smart stan and JE does dirty/cheap shit to get under people’s skin and i died watching JE flop-cry like a clown. Hoop and talk shit. I honestly hope he tries

I also don’t agree that Warren deceived people. She’s done a good faith reading of an oral family history. Which any reasonable person would do. It was dumb because of what it did and the fodder that Martin is making a pretty good argument re is basically the same thing Bernie is talking about, things being used in

I think a fair question to the extent that why CAP/TP choose to publish those pieces? It could very well have been in bad faith and to weaponize an issue with no real goal other than to muddy the waters and smear Warren. (It was already a bad look but don’t agree with the extent/how bad the harm she did was). Her

“Sextupling down!” (mocking snark). Go kick rocks. That is all you have said. “Doubling down” (mocking tone) You have added nothing. Shut up, kick rocks and get some sun. Congrats you for the one millionth time you’ve been an utter tool. How trash do you have to be to do what you are doing? So trash. Hella burning