
Hijo de la chingada. No one missed your point. Clown shoes. You believe what you believe, good for you. Your impulse is to trash people. Nice. Again, the substance of what I said, things that need to be done before open borders can happen you didn’t address you basically were like ‘I know you are but what am I?’, yo

Well, that was a fun waste of time, lololol. Thanks, Ugh. Much appreciated. 

Thanks. I really appreciate many commenters on here and trying to keep each other on the look out for the trolls. Nothing they’ve said has added anything. They’re literally mad because a thing that can’t happen unless literally, 90 million other things happen isn’t on a candidate’s agenda. It’s gotta be on the list.

Tell how we can get open borders now? Honestly, how do we add this to the list before say reparations? How about doing more for Natives?Is that even on your list?  You’re about as useful as an asshole on the elbow. You haven’t added jack except boiler plate crap about empire. Kick rocks.

I am asking you legit questions to ending empire and respecting cultures outside of the US and trying not to commit genocide because of policies of our empire, things that have to happen before we can have open borders. Condescending to POC who are giving insight to why your take is just a little problematic is

I didn’t double down, I think your critique is weak, racist and paternalistic and actually to the right of me because it doesn’t address empire and colonialism. If you are on the left it should be very important to you when it comes to addressing problems everyone who is part of the global left faces. In fact, they

What’s wrong with people staying where they are at if they aren’t driven out by war and exploitation? What about rebuilding places we have exploited? Should Mexico and parts of Asia have open borders because they got the shit exploited out of them, is that cool? What about Bolivia?

What’s wrong with people staying where they are at if they aren’t driven out by war and exploitation? What about rebuilding places we have exploited? Should Mexico and parts of Asia have open borders because they got the shit exploited out of them, is that cool? What about Bolivia?

Is it fair to says that this is a bad answer to a loaded question? Taking people in? Why when American policies have created much of this problem so what about rebuilding places like Iraq, Central America, Africa and on and on? The Caribbean? Should places that we have exploited have open borders too? I don’t

Huh? What the left wants? Apparently you don’t care about nuance and actually policy.

My dad immigrated here. I can speak from experience. There needs to be a change in foreign aid, foreign policy and and actual reform ie dealing with quotas, making it more feasible to accept asylum seekers, forcing corps like Nike and Wal-Mart to pay international fair wage. Changes need to happen before we can

I don’t like Bernie because of his behavior during the 2016 primary and the fact that he continually does things that indicate he is only interested in using the DNC and it’s resources for his own political ambitions.

What do you think of what the DCCC is trying to do to prevent primary challenges to dudes like the one in Illinois who is a conservadem who isn’t even close to being a person whose politics match his district, Ok? You are cool with that because they’re “Dems”? Because in that case supporting a DINO is not good for the

What do you think of what the DCCC is trying to do to prevent primary challenges to dudes like the one in Illinois who is a conservadem who isn’t even close to being a person whose politics match his district, Ok? You are cool with that because they’re “Dems”? Because in that case supporting a DINO is not good for the

Sad in what way? You claiming I have CDS is sad because instead of having a substantive discussion about policy, you comment on my comment with nothing substantive, just I have a problem with her when 1) I voted for her 2) you have nothing positive to say about other candidates is a naked sign you are PUMAs still

What’s funny you are concern trolling my grammar and you not only got that wrong you are the troll who commented on my comment. Be consistent. But please, stay for the grammar lesson, centrist.

LOLOLOLOL At the rounding up. Verifiable facts, so was it 76% or 77%? Next, Talk about a candidate you like then than trying to crap on Bernie and I won’t call you what you are, a centrist still litigating the 2016 primary she won.

Ya’ll will support guys like Joe Crowley, Bart Stupack or Evan Bayh, dudes who are way out of step with the pro-choice base of the party or hold close ties to Wall Street and refuse to tax the rich before you’ll vote for a guy who not only caucuses with the dems, is an actual Democrat when it comes to things like the

Ok. You have Bernie derangement syndrome. And your case is not that special. For 1) I voted for HRC, I was and never will be a Bernie or Bust but am very sympathetic to their frustrations. 2) If your ilk actually spent time talking about candidates who you actually support I’d be a lot more open to your ‘ideas’ but

You must not like the term centrist. And to be baffled by SOME people’s not complete understanding of nuances of a thing that doesn’t really exist anymore because of Bernie’s people and support, concern trolling when it’s is understandable for people not to get all the nuances right away, unless you’re making bad