
You know if hoop and baseball they can protest outcomes. Somehow this seems missed and that both sports actually have a better product than the NFL now, even with intentional tanking in both sports. The NFL is over saturated, constantly tinkering with rules that don’t need to be messed with, ridiculously ham-handed

Props for the pic. My favorite commercial right now and this site thinks Westbrick’s shat talking is on point like he can rock it back to Portland? That is about two levels from I know what you are but what am I and acting like Joe Ingles is the Trash Talk God or up there is laughable, he basically said he’d like to

Good piece, however, let’s be honest, shortening a racial slur, using it in general is pretty weak, even if you are crapping on the team using said racial. Please, all due respect, please don’t call them the R word or the shortened slur. It’s mad offensive. Period. Just call them the Washington Football club. Or, as

No Todd Margaret references/allusions? Why write for Deadspin if you’re not gonna take full advantage? Good piece otherwise, I guess.....

FYI - most of the people who are seeking asylum are from Central America, not Mexico. I know it’s not that big of deal but it is. 

I also find it ironic that McCain can be high and mighty with this but her dad voted against MLK day as a national holiday like 5 times and conveniently changes his tune when running for president 14 years later. I wish people wouldn’t write about McCain the Hack but not gonna lie, dunking on her and her ilk feels

YOu seem tostart calling Ms. Mallory Bland like half-way through the piece. And only mention Bland via last name without the initial mention/introduction with first name. Thanks. 

Excuse me shitty, point still stands, they mean the same thing. Your words not mine......

I wouldn’t say John Jay sucks but there are better players on the market than him. I just wonder how the hell a blogger who probably only caught a ball in the face can say a dude that has been an everyday player for half of the last 8 years can suck? I know click bait and what other word is he to use? How about “Non-St

Nah, it’s the dude who blamed Latinos for the death of Heather Heyer. I can’t find the tweet and don’t have time right now to go through his tweets the last year or so but he tweeted that shit just wish I had a screen shot of it.

You know what would be nice?: If people stopped calling the CLE ball club by it’s racist-ass misnomer. Makes pieces like this seem a little ironic, snarky and wholly unaware of things like microagressions or general big ticket bigot stuff ie the name of a sports team and has the general feel of this: Harassment

He accepts who he is which is why he is so “chill”. Pretty obvious especially after the talk with Maggie to explain his path to being Daredevil. That is why he is so chill. It’s pretty obvious why he’s changed. 

I am native too and this is bs.

White people shouldn’t be haggling over this, including the writer of the piece. This is also reducing heritage/treatment to be determined by what? Nothing. I couldn’t get passed the headline and this idea that somehow she is being stupid is really limited in scope, considering who the opponent is and why he is doing

I know TMZ is the only outlet to report crap like this but isn’t an Arm of the Trump admin supposed to be like, you know, crapped on and not taken seriously. Or, in the least, preface your referencing with “TMZ, a propaganda wing of President Cheeto McSmallhands and overall shitty, contemptible and generally dubious

I find it incredible that a few short seasons ago we were talking about how the no-hitter/perfect game didn’t mean anything cause everyone was pitching one. Now, starters can’t go through a line-up more than 2 times, 1 1/2 most of the time (5 innings). I have a hard time not thinking this is also labor related.

Moses was paid? Really? I am sure that is a rumor but where is the evidence? Did you know Mia named one of her kids after the judge or that the investigator, who had a previous relationship with Mia went rogue and against standard procedure and held a press conference saying they had probable cause but wouldn’t file

hahahaha, that’s less than 300 at-bats, really? If some rank and file Minor Leaguer did this, it’s would be, “well what would he do over a whole season?”, he hasn’t even played half of a season for a 4th outfielder and you want to anoint him the second coming which in a world starved of real things, we want Ohtani to

Illiterate? Hahahaha. You should look that word up before you throw it around like you know what it means. Other than you assuming things about my arguments because they omit things you can nitpick because you aren’t good at reading comprehension or nuance (a word you should look-up because I am positive you aren’t in

I am also advocating for getting better umps too, which is not what anybody here is arguing just, roboumps would be great without any evidence other than MLB ham-handedly rolling things out or it would be done, your’s is a camera? Really, a camera? Again where is it placed, is there a person running it? You aint