
Got a scouting report on either of these two players?

Could the Raptors flip him?

Looks like Papa John’s just found their new spokesman.

And I still go to the grocery store to get my shit, mostly because I don’t want someone picking my steak for me. I want full steak control. I also reserve the right to make an impulse pork rinds purchase if I so desire.

I met the man in a bar one night, he was only 22, I think, and just coming of hand surgery. I shook that huge paw too hard and Chris Kelly pulled my arm back. Brian Mcgratton gave me quite the look, I have never been so sorry for anything I've ever done to a man. Ray was all smiles, and boubght me a pint. For all the

England did the most England thing and added a superfluous ‘u’ to “go forth”.

Holding doors should really be left up to the states, tho.

Who’s the color commentator on this? Because he deserves a raise for creating the next great home run call:

I hadn’t even heard of the Red Sox until just now, so you’re probably right.

Serena is the GOAT, and thinking about how much her continuous success must anger racists and sexists brings me great joy

I bet anything he gets convicted...wait! No I don’t.

Gotta give him credit though, he destroyed his legacy in under 30 minutes.

The pizza dominoes quickly started to fall:

When asked who he thought ate the strawberries, Matheny was quiet, except for the sound of clacking ball bearings. Then he answered, “I don’t know yet. But Norris is going to get to the bottom of it.”

Recently realized that my next destination is a site that does not have comments, I will be lost... adrift...

I was a shitty commenter on Deadspin long before I worked here and I expect to be a shitty commenter here well after

This is a pretty good headline too:

No, just not funny.

Young black athlete, with “character concerns”?
All of Boston Sports Media:

“Tom Brady dropped that pass.”