Luigi Hann

Yeah, definitely possible that he's just joking around, but he mentions on a lot of these that he never ended up watching them, and the winking nature of "it ended up on Earth, probably" still seems more like a joke about knowing how plots work than a joke about Superman specifically

Always happy to see this guy turn up in something.

I think that's a fair interpretation. The tweet pretends that the rap is real footage from a Disney presentation, so the fact that it's not remotely believable makes it funnier.

Well, that's kind of a bummer.

I think it's horrifying that they have a child. Imagine waking up 6 months pregnant? 9 months pregnant? Giving birth on the day you find out that you're pregnant? Unimaginable, and they just skim over it like it's a cute twist.

Yeah, hm, this is a terrible idea. I find Handler reasonably funny, honestly, but she doesn't come across as being equipped to debate anyone about anything. Both of the shows I've seen her in are basically built around a persona of "person who doesn't know anything about anything but is at least halfway willing to

Hey, I was right about something. That almost never happens.

Dark City is a good one.

It says right there "no copyright intended" so no harm no foul

I'm just curious where else he's seeing the E-I pairing "after E" as listed in his exceptions. I can't think of a common word other than "seeing" that has E followed by EI.

Yeah. The premise of "an American version of Death Note" has a ton of potential if they adapted the specifics more cleverly to the specific issues of the American legal system, and there are a few directions they could go with that, but it's looking more like they're just simplifying the original story without any

Yeah, the names "Kira" and "Light" and even the phrase "Death Note" are too rooted in the story's Japanese origin to make any sense here.

Any "rules" for English are bound to be nonsense, given how variable of a hodgepodge it all is, but I feel like if you're analyzing a trend like this, you should filter out the verbs ending in -ing, which probably throw off the whole test.

Cybernetic organisms may well excrete normal organic poop, I wouldn't overthink it

It's true, but that could lead them back into loopholes, conniving, a legal battle, or coming up with new ideas, none of which would inherently be bad for the show

I actually would've been interested in seeing that, at least at the start of the season. After his fall into darkness as this season went on, it would've been interesting to have "working on a legitimate app for Houli" as a starting point, because it'd be a high point to fall from when they inevitably screw it up.

It's funny, right about the time when I thought the season was getting "too episodic" and resolving its arcs too quickly, the Melcher arc started. While it wasn't season-long or anything, it was enough of a through-line that the last handful of episodes felt just right to me. I really liked how "just get a customer"

I don't think Bighead would use the password/password combo for anything he understood to be important, and his not quite getting that anything at Stanford is important seems reasonably in-character

Yeah, the suicide bomber joke might have worked a tiny bit better if Jared had been legitimately out of the loop on the specifics of the plan rather than just pretending to be, but he still made the joke work with his reaction

I'm curious what they'll do here. The show never seems to be on the same wavelength as I am regarding what seem to me to be obvious loopholes, but my gut says the right answer would be to somehow summon the puddle-being from The Pilot, and give Bill the option to travel the universe with her forever instead of being