Luigi Hann

The subtitles read "Die. Me."

It might be worth pondering the trend that all the men in these cases make a choice to wait or spend a long time doing something, while women tend to get stuck with it against their will. Though that's admittedly skewed by all versions of the Doctor being male, and he always has agency in the stories.

Funny, I was thinking of Simon Pegg as well. I didn't think it *was* him, since he was in a 9th Doctor episode years ago so it'd be a bit odd to have him back as someone else, but that train of thought did distract me enough that I didn't recognize Simm until the end.

Eh. If they just wanted star power, there are two leads in the movie, so they could've replaced the 50 Shades of Gray dude with somebody more attention-grabbing.

I mean, if I were directing one of these based-on-a-true-story movies based on a highly recognizable actor from history, my goal would be to get somebody who looks the part, rather than a big star that people will instantly recognize as somebody else.

It is definitely whitewashing, and seems especially insensitive in the context of depicting a real historical person. I get that there are obstacles that would make it complicated to find an actor with the correct blend of characteristics to play the part, but they still should have done that instead of this.

I feel like the show's version of St. Nick's history might be a bit more similar to Mad Sweeney's than to anyone else, a tumbling amalgam of historical and mythical figures ultimately combined into a single media-friendly image. But Nick must've embraced the deal where Sweeney resented it

I mean, Nancy was asking Eleven about Barb, and was sad that she was "gone"

They should find a convoluted way to bring the actress back. Have some monster appear in the form of Barb to manipulate Nancy for some reason. It'd work.

I was a little disappointed that, unless I'm forgetting a scene from an earlier episode, they didn't do anything to set up that kid as a character beforehand (aside from having him play an admittedly adorable game with his mum in this episode). It would have made the scene about 100% more heart-wrenching if we knew

Yeah, around Episode 2 I was puzzled by the unconnected vignettes and the slow-moving plot, but it became pretty clear that this is just how the show works. Seems odd to complain about Episode 7 not moving the story along when that's been the case for more episodes than not, at this point.

Yeah, it should be very easy to build on that wall storyline and tie it into current events.

Enough existing parallels between the Bluths and the Trumps that they could just say that, in the 4 years since season 4, George Sr. has been elected President of the United States. It wouldn't be any less likely than what happened in real life. Might feel too similar to South Park's bleak take, though.

There'd be an interesting version of this story in which there is no mind-control, just everyone agreeing to pretend the Monks have always been around after seeing the first few dozen people killed for denying it. Would've been a darker story, a "there are five lights" on a massive scale, I suppose.

I liked it, and kind of wish the Doctor didn't talk over it. "You've gone viral" in particular was a clunky joke for such an emotional scene. I think it was clear enough what was happening without any narration, but if there was any confusion it could've been handled with a culmination of Bill's voiceover explaining

Was somewhat surprised to see the name "Craig Zobel" here, and had to google to confirm… he's one of the co-founders of Homestar Runner. Always happy to see those guys making a mark on the real world. Clearly a good fit for the off-kilter sense of humor this episode particularly benefited from.

Right, for sure. But I mean, even if season 4 ends with the gang moving out and Richard telling Erlich he'll never see him again, I'd still expect to see the continued adventures of that character next season, you know? They could send the character to prison and I'd still be surprised to learn he's not coming back.

I wonder, are the killing him off? It's hard to picture any other exit that would be immediately obvious as permanent just from reading the script, given how the show keeps seeing people leave companies and still remain regulars.

You could subscribe to the Seeso channel on VRV, but that's… basically the same