Sandwich Time 1861

Pay more attention.

Why was she slurring like that? Biden slurs the same way. What’s going on with the geriatrics of the Democratic Party?

The obvious argument against what I wrote is the following strawman: Conservatives want everything to be Leave It to Beaver! Not true. I think most people just don’t want unnecessary and/or egregious political agendas squeezed into shows wherever possible. Same is true for advertisements.

Progressives believe that in order for something to be good, it has to push boundaries or otherwise serve their political interests in some way. Consider that HBO show about high school transers doing meth and generally living the worst, most brutally self-interested lives possible. They love it! But it’s just

She’s much more useful being her loud, obnoxious, America-hating self.

Weird how there’s been no coverage of the ICE raids. Are they actually happening?

“American Culture has been destroyed.”

Right. But I get your point.

That would be a fair point if they united over this. They haven’t. Trump is forcing the issue. It’s Trump vs The Squad which leaves Nancy in a tough spot. Does she join The Squad, effectively admitting defeat in her own battle against them? Or does she not do that and be considered by all the Wokes a traitor and a

Except Bernie, whose platform she stole.

He reads like a 12 year old in an AOL chatroom.


Was this intended to be a self-own?

You read like a 12 in an AOL chatroom.

She’s not wrong. These past two years have taught me just how horrible America truly is.

0% --> Just like Kaepernick he’s using his “wokeness” to increase his profile in hopes of banking later. As Rep Omar said, It’s “All about the Benjamins.”

Yes. Everyone possesses something they are uniquely good at. These talents are not all the same. 

Now playing

Thank you. Finally someone calls attention to the oxymoron of “honest debate.” All debate is naturally somewhat dishonest as debate is competition and the goal is to win. One can have honest discussions where the goal is to come to an understanding, solve a problem, or just play rhetorical hackey-sack. But one cannot

Mainstream and traditional media is always relevant to those who don’t care enough to look into topics they’ll never bring up to anyone or discuss. That’s most voters.

Ok, in the spirit of honest debate, Rep Joe Wilson absolutely disrespected the office when he shouted “You lie!” after Obama lied about being able to keep your doctor. That could be seen as disrespectful.