Sandwich Time 1861

Ok then. You are the reason equality is not possible.

Ok then. You are the reason equality is not possible.

I don’t mean this in any sort of condescending or negative way: Trump’s strategies would not work without people like yourself.

Yes, they can choose. And they are doing so now more than ever before. How do you know understand what media I’m talking about? Cable news, national broadcast, large scale print... traditional mass consumption media. It’s been completely subverted by interests. 

The only reason they’re doing this is because they have to monetize an ever-decreasing viewership. Every set of eyes needs to make them a little more each year as their audience declines. This is true of all sports, not just baseball. So if we really want to avoid a bigger corporate footprint in sports, which we

Steyer’s a decent option for  those who hate Trump viscerally, aren’t enthused by Bernie, don’t trust Warren, don’t like Biden, and for some reason feel the need to vote.

Best case scenario.

This works in Trump’s favour too.


Thanks. Hugs back.

Common fault here. I don’t intend nor care to engage in a battle of wits. My intent is to express genuine shock, which I’ve done.

The media has not been doing its job for decades. They’ve been serving interests.

You didn’t say anything in this comment other than “I’m mad!” Noted.

Which 6 month long national news story was this one again? The one where the guy robbed a mini mart then tried to steal the cops gun?

Your comment is a good example of what might be called “traction.”

I mean it. It’s crazy that most of you seem to have no idea what he’s doing or why.

And it’s a logical flaw to assume that one’s membership to a group defines that person as well. There are plenty of reasonable, well-intended Democrats out there that if they could just get over the hurdle of their own ego, just admit that they have been a victim of propaganda and indoctrination, would vote Trump. The

I’ve been reading about Bernie Sanders and I’m sad how we let him down

Trump already did this. What is this guy talking about lol?

Or when the 2017 Congressional Baseball Game was shot up by a Bernie Bro?