Growing up a police officer on my paper route had one. I never actually saw him drive it. It just seemed he pulled it out of the garage everyday so people could look at it. So I did. His was a Turbo IIRC.
Growing up a police officer on my paper route had one. I never actually saw him drive it. It just seemed he pulled it out of the garage everyday so people could look at it. So I did. His was a Turbo IIRC.
Pssssh I managed this back in 2011 with a Raptor....
Someone needs to see if the Fiat 500X is also affected...
My cousin’s old neighbour. True story.
Hey. Hey hey hey.
So he needs to go and shake the spotters hand? What about the woman who ran to him from the ambulance that he spooned over onto the ground as he ran away? Perhaps a handshake and a little bit of an apology is called for there too...
Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.
Truck didn’t come with a factory console/bucket seats, they only could find a shifter equipped console, this is what resulted?
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
I honestly can’t tell you what’s going on in this video from NASCAR’s Facebook page, other than it recaps the first…
Don’t forget its twin, the Mercury Mariner. The Escape has those protrusions on the rear bumper and I’m not seeing a hint of that in the photo. Also, with whatever I can make out of the emblem above the license plate - the bottom of the emblem dips lower into the license plate area on the Mercury than it does on the…
Mustang owners need to ignore car meetups.
That was utterly amazing. I was mesmerized be the smooth suspension travel and then almost had a heart attack when he almost rolled it. What a recovery. P.S. I’m not sure I would be pre-running that close to the opposite lane of traffic though.
Mustang owners, please ignore this post.
Madden 17 now features Ultimate Solar Positioning. Now players can experience a state of the art sense of direction in the only game that promises to have an astronomically accurate rise and fall of our great yellow sun. Your kickers can now corroborate with weather reports and no longer be confused with which way…