Harris Lue

I’ll do it while I’m leaving g cars and coffee!!!!!!

“Hey, I think I can do that!”

zomg.. what a wasted opportunity

Congrats for surviving the test of Darwinism.

If stupid people are having more kids (which is a hypothesis that I find dubious to begin with), then they are more fit, and their traits will be passed to the next generation (if you believe intelligence is inherited, which is also debatable). This does not go against Darwin’s theory of evolution in any way. He never

Jaggies? Maybe the sheet metal tool is worn out. :)


Except this reeks of some idiot manager saying “my nephew is a computer whiz! I’m sure he can Photoshop this!” in some product planning meeting and everyone not giving enough of a shit to care that the end result is horrendous. It doesn’t take a genius to do what they did in this. I’m not a retoucher and I could do

Still its so poor!

I’m not sure they have enough money for a Adobe Photoshop license.

I prefer the Mustang sticker pack:

what about the helicron?

No car belongs in a museum. Drive it or trash it.

As Ford Focus owner, I can say, without a doubt..

Make it 16 and that’s exactly what we have here.

You probably thought that because you weren’t playing, but just watching, you weirdo.

I can distinctly remember sometime in the 90's watching friends play four player 3fps Goldeneye multiplayer and having the thought “surely nobody will be nostalgic for this.”

That’s no doubt true. It’s also true that a lot of dealership salesmen are two-faced jackasses themselves.

Dude, I don’t know anything as far as, all-wheel drive. Like, what are our F-150s?

On his way to the Ninja Turtle NASCAR race, obviously.