Ludwig van Brixton

I don't understand. This looks terrible to me. Aside from the graphics, that look very pretty, though too dark for my taste, the gameplay looks so stiff, stilted, and dated. I don't know, maybe if I played I would have a change my mind, but I don't think so. Also, who cares about all the junk you can buy for your

Hah! Me too. Then I realized "Oh boy… that's probably not all that went on". It's a testament to the writing and John Hamm's performance, though, that the reverend's character is not only still hilarious, but even more fucked up and creepy, when you consider that.

Same here. So, even though I haven't listened to them in years, and feel no great inclination to revisit, they're one of the few bands from that time that still hold a little cozy place in my heart. I don't know why they feature in the title with a snarky "even Incubus" when the podcast ep they're covering is not even

Yeah, I agree with what you say, but I believe the argument here is not against PC culture (if you define PC by "not being an asshole to people"), but against knee-jerk reactions that fail or ignore to look at context or perspective.

Sorry, I didn't express myself correctly. What I meant is that there is a huge area between being annoyed at how careful you have to be with your every word (especially if you are a comedian, who may flirt with offensiveness and touchy subjects) and being a raging racist who just really wants to use the n-word without

So those are the only two options we have?

I love this film. After watching the "Love Me" scene, I think I had that song pretty much on repeat in my head for the next… I don't know, seven years?

I watch clips of Colbert's opening monologue and Seth Meyer's A Closer Look segment pretty much every day (I eat lunch at my desk. SAD!) and there have been plenty of times when they have exact same joke for one situation. It's pretty easy for two people to come up with the same joke independently. Especially if it's

*rocking music*
*rocking music STOPS*

Thank you, Gary. This whole project seems to lack strong leadership and aggressive synergies.

What's the target demographic for Ja Rule's luxury music festival in the Bahamas?

Eu também não!


It's nice that he has so many screens to capture the button from all those angles. It's very important information.

This is so fucked up and wrong. After years as a major bully, piece of shit scum, he gets rewarded and is even more of a millionaire. This is so wrong. Sometimes it's really hard to not wish violence on some people.

I like that the finale was just like any other episode. I think the whole thing rang true to the characters and to real life. OF COURSE that's how Marnie and Hannah would deal with this new situation.Would really love if they came back to the series in about 10 years, but I don't think a film would be the best way to

Haha! I'd be really pissed off too, when in the middle of the Chuck Jones stuff they'd slide in those super weird Czech episodes. They were really disturbing looking and made me feel weird and sad.

"Needless to say, I had the last laugh!"

It's not a very good impression, though. Is it?

Colours! I missed colours!