Ludwig van Brixton

Edward James Olmos should sign up for the lead in a Bukowski semi-fictionalized biopic.

I hate it when the President of the US is referred to as the leader of the "free world". Such arrogance.

I agree. I wish more films would keep it under 90, and not just horror films. A great majority of time you don't need 2.5 hours to tell a story.

Anyone who spends more than £30 on headphones is a damn fool.
IMO. No offense IRL.

At the London show he went around the whole audience fist bumping people. I got a fist bump. It was great.

That's reasonable.

I'm confused.

I thought that was pretty good.

That whole Jon Snow thing, throwing away all their crappy plans and nearly getting his army destroyed pissed me off.
Just a few scenes before he's coming up with the shitty strategy for the battle. Sansa was there and he didn't even asked her opinion or insight into Ramsay's mind. This annoyed her and she let him know.

Aw… Having listened to Duncan Jones' interview on the Nerdist, I feel bad for him.

Yeah, I looked for more articles on it and couldn't find anything more substantial. Oh well… I really hope it's nothing.
Anyway, I only watched the first three episodes of Horace And Pete, but I already bought the other seven, which I can't wait to watch, but will not be bingeing due to its brutality.

Oh man… I had no idea about those rumors. That really bummed me out.

Always Cona Cona.

Cona Cona! That would have been great! Cona is a very rude Portuguese word for vagina.

I didn´t get the reference (maybe because I'm Portuguese and even though I was aware of the OJ thing, I didn't really give a shit about it because I was ten years old), but I still found the prosecutors really funny. I guess it's also because their incompetence played so well with John Hamm's smarmy silliness.