Ludovic Mercier

Honestly I’m kind of torn on this because conceptually it seem... okay?

But there’s a ton of things I’m not sure how to feel about.
Like, wondering at how much of a profit or even loss this will sell for considering it has hardware that claims to run stuff much more demanding than available on Switch, but the Switch

Honestly, seeing the complaint I often hear about classic games for the Switch’s online NES/SNES collections, I can’t help but wonder if such a system might help Nintendo having an easier time uploading “new” old games.... or even ones that were featured on previous Virtual Consoles but couldn’t yet be on said

I think the issues there might be less the modification/etc but the fact the person was making money from it.

Probably not, but(and just looking at the pricepoint for the accessory is still a thing) honestly this can’t be comfortable to use.

Both weight and heat wise to have this thing ontop of your legs.

Honestly I dread to imagine how uncomfortable the heat coming off from this thing would be so close to it X_X

Like it or not, there’s reasons why the Switch also keep on the lower end of things. You do not want something *handheld* to run more hot than it might and they only have that much space for hardware.

Same goes

4K might now be the standards in *stores* now but it doesn’t mean it’s the standard in *households*.

And that goes probably double for countries that are not the USA, which matter just as much for an international company(or else developer would never bother creating localization in French, italian, spanish,

It still means that 70+% of household *aren’t* running 4K ultimately though.
Also, are we talking 28% of household worldwide, or exclusively in the USA. It’s not the only market out there or else devs would never bother including localization for Italy, France, Spanish countries, Korea, etc.

A very good point. Plus a lot of people focus on the fact that new TV being *currently* sold are now primarily 4K ones but in saying this forget one crucial aspect: most people who play games *already* own TVs and generally keep the same TV for years on end. Sometimes not updating until a decade or so has passed,

As a 2017 Switch owner, I have to admit this might be the Switch that might get me to upgrade. Though mainly because I could kill two birds with one stone and get both better battery life(the 2017 models has about half, if not worst, of the battery life of this and the more subtle 2019 revision) and an ethernet port

To flip the question a bit on it’s back: Even if 4K is standard these days, do the average 4K TV(especially considering how many people may be living in apartment or similar locations with more limited space) even has a screen large enough for the uptick in image resolution to truly matter?

That’s the gist of it.

Iirc, there was even a particular set of speculation in 2019 BECAUSE there had been manufacutrer/parts-suppliers side of things that was credible.

People were absolutely certain it was the Pro.

Instead... it was just the 2019 revision with the same exact performances and “only” a higher battery life, made purely because

I have no idea how they manage to make a game that look not great yet struggle visually so much when.... gosh, Monster Hunter Rise/Luigi’s Mansion 3/Astral Chain are all things on the consoles and , afaik, don’t have performances issues.

I feel there’s something going on with these graphics that’s more than just

The thing is even if it was made with an hypothetical Switch Pro in mind, I struggle to.... see what would *require* a “Pro” in these graphics???

Like... comparing the graphics of this to Astral Chain or even Luigi’s Mansion 3(which wasn’t even made by Nintendo’s japan studios but a Canadian studio they acquired only

What bothers me there though is looking at the graphic styles.... I really don’t see what should cause a game like that to perform apparently so horribly.

Like... the art style doesn’t seem like something that *should* warrant any strong hardware to run yet the fact that it apparently does is.... concerning, to say the

Like... over 1 million sales would be small for today’s standards of blockbuster.

But a smaller title like what Nintendo showcased don’t *need* more to break a profit I suspect. And all the stuff they showcased in a lot of cases fit the pattern of likely smaller budgets yet being hotly anticipated by their respective

The thing is... they don’t sell but, outside of the more cinematic Prime titles,... it’s possible they don’t need to. Smaller titles means they cost less to develop. Every niches covered by Nintendo’s announcements are all stuff I expect to run a profit *because* they are anticipated by small niches... and likely

That’s the thing with Nintendo’s announcement that you’ve nailed IMO.

Sure in the grand scheme of AAA gaming and copies sold, none of these games should technically be record breaker.
But all of these games were stuff that their respective *niches* had been waiting for since forever. Metroid platformer, Advance Wars...

It’s interesting because Guardians, especially a single player game with some dialogue choices/etc, feel like it would have been a HUGE deal just a few years ago but now I feel like there’s this sort of double-whammy for “AAA cinematic game” AND Marvel’s own stuff in general that it really is not the first time I see

Tbh I think there’s a bit of a fatigue about AAA stuff in segments of gaming. You can see echoes of it from the many comments going about how indies and nintendo had the better surprises this year.

I’ll admit I’m a bit in that category. A lot of the AAA stuff left me rather jaded and it’s only in the aftermath after

Yes, so much.

Like... don’t get me wrong, if the theory of “this is actually an *isekai* retelling of FF1"(the protagonist sound like they might literally come from modern day earth rather than be native to FF1's world) proves true, I might actually mildly amused and curious.

But gosh the COLORS of old final fantasy art